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 Mar 2023
Steve Page
At least Jesus knew what was coming:
the betrayal, the pain, the abandonment,
the journey down, the climb back, the reunion
with abandoned friendships,
the chance to walk and sit  
with the taste of simple meals,
but no wine yet,
before his departure.

At least we know what’s coming -
the long journey, the ups and downs,
the sound of the latch on that narrow gate,
the weight of our cross,
the chance to walk our paths with him.

The break of bread, the shared wine,
pointing to a ‘dine with me’ where we’ll feast royally,
when we’ll see him take that long awaited sip
or perhaps simply dip his bread,
nod his head and smile,
knowing there's an eternity of this to come.

At least we all know what’s coming.
[Thanks to for that first line. ]
 Jan 2023
The Poet's Progress
Out of the night that covers me,
     Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank my God, King Christ, for He
     Has come and conquered, O, my soul.

Clutched by a fate that's felt like chance,
     I've winced and wept and cried aloud.
Under the gaze of God, my stance
     Is on my knees.  My head is bowed.

Beyond the place of wrath and tears,
     Where Death casts shadows, shade on shade,
The menaces of bygone years
     Are disappeared.  My debts are paid.

My gait's as strait as heaven's gate,
     My way as narrow as a scroll.
Christ is the master of my fate.
     Christ is the captain of my soul.
Compare 'Invictus' by Ernest Henley
Dear Father
I’m alone in a very scary place
And I’m not certain how I got here.
I lost sight of the footprints I was following
And wandered off the pathway you laid out for me.

The wind is cold and the sky is dark.
I just heard screeches from the nearby woods
And this path ends in only brambles.
Kneeling on the rocky ground
I beseech the Lord to rescue me.
He either doesn’t hear my cry
Or this is where I need to be
To learn to never take my eyes
Away from the light that guides me.
Day 5 trying to post this.  Feeling lost.
 Nov 2022
Don Bouchard
We wondered first when Mary's boy
Asked elders many questions,
Ran to the temple, full of joy,
And pointed us to Heaven.
Rumors spread at wedding time.
Guests there said the water turned to wine.
A blind man suddenly regained his sight.
We longed to know. Could this be right?

Loaves and fish, five and two,
Enough to feed a little boy
Filled thousands as they grew.
What power did the Lord employ?

Demons fled unwilling hosts.
Broken lives were healed.
Humans raised, no longer ghosts,
Miracles the Son revealed.
Hearing brought He to the deaf.
The lame could walk again,
Loved ones rose from stinking death.
God showed His power to men.

Disciples claimed He walked
Upon the waters deep,
Calmed the storms with talk,
A brief rebuff and back to sleep.
And still, men's hearts were cold.
A traitor rose among His ranks.
For 30 silver pieces, Jesus sold,
The devil's price, so little thanks....

Ten thousand angels at His call,
He didn't say a word,
Chose the path to save us all,
And "It is done!" was heard.
When we looked on, we looked away,
But then we thunder heard.
Bold lightning lit our darkening way,
Quaking tremors shook the earth,
And when the temple curtain tore,
The mountains shook and heavens roared,
And we all stopped. "He is the Lord!"

We sinners saw the Barrier riven,
The way to Heaven clearly made,
Through His death the path was given.
Our sins upon his death were laid.

Now sing we of His resurrection,
Though in the grave He lay
The third day raised Himself for Heaven.
King Jesus is the Only Way.
shock and joy
Holy of Holies exposed
Jerusalem in turmoil
Dead ones walking
Miracles Miracles Miracles
The way is plain to Heaven
 Jul 2022
Chuck Kean
Clash Of The Covenants

   I’ve never beat around the bush
There’s nothing I’ve tried to hide
I’ve always been honest even if I
Take a risk our opinions may collide

When it comes to my love of Jesus
I’ve always let it be known
In my heart I know he’s with me
And I’ll never be alone

You might think I’m a Christian
But that’s technically wrong
I’m a man of righteousness
And in reality it’s a new song

Here’s the reason why, I sing
With my excited breath
I’ve been freed from the *******
Of the ministry of death

The ministry of death is the teaching
Of the old covenant of Mosaic law
This teaching is now obsolete and it
Might as well be the Devils Claw

Jesus died and his blood washed our sin
We’re free from trying to be prefect servants
Replacing the old with the new,celebrate the victory Jesus won in Clash Of The Covenants

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/01/2022
All rights reserved
I Re Wrote This and I deleted the other one

Thank you!!!
I’m reading a book with the same title.
What I love about it is the Author explains it clearly and breaks it all down. He’s not saying that we are free to do as we please and everyone goes to Heaven.
No he’s not saying that we can break the laws. What he is saying is that the laws had an original purpose but with them also came the introduction of the sins that we were not to commit. Thou shall not covet being the last one and most important. If thou covets he/she is in temptation to lie steal and **** and if he or she covets the affection of someone other than their own spouse He/ She May also commit Adultery. Coveting leads to all of the other sins. He also states that if you have one law you must abide by all of the laws. Break one and you’ve broken all of them. You cannot pick and choose which laws you wish to obey and which ones you choose to break. The laws were to be obeyed holding the standard of perfection and no human is perfect. The temptation was to much and mankind buckled under the pressure. God saw this to be a huge problem the harder we tried to be perfect the more we became sinful. Adam and Eve had one law. Thou shall not eat of the tree with the forbidden fruit. One temptation from the serpent and the law was broken.
Think of a child being told they cannot have any cookies from the cookie jar and you turn your back for a minute and they get into the jar eat the cookie and you catch them with the evidence upon their face. So God sends his Son Jesus to be sacrificed upon the Cross to take all sin from everyone and I mean everyone if only they believe in him and believe he is the Messiah and except the gift of Grace and salvation.
This frees us from the ******* of the laws and the pressure of perfection and the temptation of breaking the laws.
In turn a righteous person does good naturally with their faith in Jesus he/she doesn’t have any desire to covet lie or steal or ****. It’s complete freedom from any sinful thought and of any pain and it is pure love and it gives us more willingness to love as well. Love thy neighbor as you love yourself, there’s no hate in the soul of someone who has faith in Jesus. It’s really amazing when the light bulb comes on and you can see the light and you can become the light. I’ve never felt so free.
The old covenant of the laws of Moses
(The Commandments)
Were made obsolete and basically useless debris with the new covenant made with the crucifixion of Jesus. Those who believe in me shall have eternal life in Heaven.
Everything I just explained I tried to put in my short poem. Jesus crucifixion was the victory of the Clash of the covenants the new destroying the old. It’s really Beautiful!!! God Bless!!!
 Jun 2022
Frederick le Roux
A little angel in Heaven above
Asked the Lord God Almighty
Pray tell:What is love??

God sat the little angel down
And draw him near
"Love is the offering
Of one's own life"

Thought the little angel in silence
And turned to the Lord
"What i am i will give
But say,
Is there more?

"Its is the total surrender
Its giving all your heart
Its the biggest of gifts
If you dare it to part
And its obedience to Love
Never questioning why
Its the promise of Life eternal
When your will will but die"

Stood up the little angel
And walked from the Lord
Will i ever be able
To fulfill this at all?

Said God to him
"Youve already done much
You love in return
You cannot do more"

So the little angel
Touched to the core
Went on his own way
Like so many days before

"Fòr Love is obedient
It is thankfull
Its All
If fulfilled in a life
Its the whole of
Gods Law"
Love is a decided act
Its is never forced
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