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 Jun 2014
Andrew Durst
Today marks another day that I woke up.
One more day I was able to smell the scent of fresh cut grass and early June.
      Where I was able to feel the gentle friction from these cotton sheets.
See the sun glistening through my blinds.
     Listen to the birds sing and my ceiling-fan hum a tune while all the air brushes down upon me in patterned strokes.
    Today marks another day where I am able to make sense of things.
Like the bold taste of coffee,
and a well-timed cigarette.
I often hear of people being stressed out;
Being so caught-up in this day-to-day "rat-race" we call life that they "can't find the time" to do what they love.
And every time I think about this, I find myself left with the same questions:
Is this really what "life" is all about?
How are we supposed to LIVE and  BE FREE if we can't find a way to take a breather every once-and-a-while?
To escape off into our heads or into our passions?
What is a life if you don't know expression?
Why have a voice if you never bother to speak?
If you feel something-
If you love it.
Then let it move you even in the most simplistic of ways.
Find time to stop and realize that this life is a gift.
No one asks to be born and no one wants to be taken away.
We need to appreciate every day and everything we have.
We'll never know when we could literally lose it all.
 Jun 2014
nate k
the cool hard tiles
in the shower
   with the
    trace that
i have of her. water
       rolling along
   in streams
blending with
             my blood
         sour salt
        bitter thoughts
she  n e v e r

       came back

    so did her

                           p r o m i s e s
21.Aug.12. 19:13.
(c) nate k. 2012
 Jun 2014
nate k
our *******
on screen
was never
forseen as a
seed of
rose beneath the
sea of spines
    w e
              a r e
  h e r e
31.Dec.12. 13:34.
(c) nate k. 2012
 Jun 2014
nate k
the sky offers a
peculiar comrade,
with differing
evanescence and
offering such
steadfast dependence
and fervour

26.Apr.14. 01:23.
(c) nate k. 2014
 Jun 2014
Andrew Durst
I breathed you in
like the smoke from my
last cigarette;
it was bitter-sweet
to taste you on my lips.
And although I never had anything
all-that-useful to say,
I'd like for it to be known
that I still
           love you.

even if your cancer
is metastasizing
in my
Enjoy the random idea.
There is a sinking feeling in my stomach
and I feel the need to cry
all this water I had swallowed
when I once tried to drown
everything else
around me out
 Jun 2014
jude rigor
jesus left me a
gun under the

he didn't remember
to leave a note telling
me what it's for, but
i think i'm smart
enough to put one
and two, together. (or
                        am i?):(i am).

it's about a week or so later
when momma tells me
'god ain't real' and rips
it from my hands but
they still  sh a ke     and
reach for love that isn't
there. (in the spaces. the
                    c a b i n e t s ).

: i feel self-empowered at
the thought that maybe i
put it there - memory
evades me -- ***** me                       | high
until i'm low again.                               again. |
                                 (it's all the same).

days pass and i find
it taped under my
desk but this time
with a **** note.

"to forget" it says. "from
someone who cares."

and i think
let's see if it'll actually
            hurt          so
                  mouth open
                              black berry sm ell s
                            taunt me into
                      relaxation, (am i in
                                  p a r a d i s e ):::(i think
                                                             i am).

i know it's the love wrapping
its skeleton arms around
my body when i  f a  l   l     to
                                          floor. || everything
                                                  is silent
                                                      on this

**(c) 2014 jude rigor

— The End —