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 Jan 2019
South by Southwest
The moon was almost a quarter til
when the cow didn't quite jump the moon
The little boy turned blue
when the cow became roadkill

Jack called Jill
Have you heard the news
Yes she said
It's all over Pox on chanel two

Little Bo go peek who loved to fleece his sheep
Was distraught about
the loss of Bovine

From the earliest dates
they were constant mates
Even gave him
the nickname of Quackers

But now he was gone
Left without a moo of a word
And his nicker was left
without a stacker

But Ole McDonald's was elelated
for it was beef patties on two sesame seed buns
Just as it had been designated

How sick and disgusting !
Said the little girl
with the red riding hood
For she was a vegetarian
 Jan 2019
Please, oh please I mean no offence
And I promise not to try and leave some kind of hints
But can anyone really knows
The personality of god?
Pure and holy
Or is that a façade?
Stern and always angry
A war that never ends
Loving others despite the fact that we never can
Is he the beginning or are we the end
How can anyone win?
Justifying true sin
Over and over tempted again?
Traveler Tim
 Dec 2018
Miranda Renea
Wait; In this hellish
Test is meaning. Every
Weakness, every
Hope; emulate ambient light.
This is another acrostic poem where the first letter of each word spells the title.
 Nov 2018
I numbly leap then look
Bounding rooftops stories high
Blood’s quickening pace
A blazing fight behind my eyes,
Constant chatter beneath my skin
Begging me to survive;
I counter, disdain
And dive to swift demise
Where are you Devi ?

Up in the Kailasha
in the arms of Mahadeva
snowclad silent in meditation
while down below in their settlement
humans in the belief you've come down
adorn you with flowers with their hands
and with those same hands **** own blood
rob own kin debauch mothers and sisters
crowd your place of worship with no piety
but for selfies with your image on the background
for Devi unbeknownst to even you
you're no more the Shakti
the prowess against the Evil
but a commerce, a commodity
in the hands of men of 21st century
who know to worship only money.
 Sep 2018

melted ice cream afternoons
bogged down

rising from asphalt
in magical mist
that transforms
the day into
a test of endurance

even dusk offers
no solace
in frozen watermelon bliss


smoke permeates fabric
hair and every surface
with peace and grit
wafting over
the crispy
edges of predawn

begging sleep
to the most stubborn

rotisserie style dreams
till morning


there's less death today
waiting in line
in candy store nightmares
begging silence
from the jubilant

but the sky turned up
a dream state

in that beguiling beauty
is brilliance


in shadows
the earth falls silent

rustling through
tall tales
the moon births

images in hidden corners

evening strolls
turn adventures

and every day
burns quick
to be reborn slowly


the weight of hell
in short tempered bites
**** will with a proficiency
unseen outside
a viper's silent hunt

ready for war
with fists losing

breaking triple digit


Incessant banging through walls built faster than I am strong enough to demolish, cradling lace so it won't rip on my forked tongue. There is only so much care left to handle perception just trying to breathe through a smile.
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