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 Jul 2014
Our mortal sins and fatal flaws,
our selfishness for "the better cause".
Our greed, our envy and lust,
our desire for acceptance, our ignorant trust.
Our broken promises and tainted lies,
the human race, the smog filled skies.
Just kind of wrote it.
What do you think? Do any of you have suggestions for future poems? Areas of strength, weakness? I'd really like to hear some feedback! Thank you for reading.
T'is not about getting Opportunities, Chances, and Time,
t'is a matter of taking Opportunities, Chances and Time:

To await them is to forgo them.
is a metaphor
for a nightmare
from which One cannot awaken.

a good life
as a decent person
and thy Dream at Life's end
shall be a pleasant and well-earned one.
 Jun 2014
Amanda In Scarlet
We all have the right to write.
We aren't obliged to write right.

You have the right to flaunt your ugly, hatefilled heart,
You have the right to sneer, and leer.

Hide behind those concepts and techniques.
If it makes a few people laugh, who cares about the ones that cry?
They don't get it, they don't get you,
You're too clever for them.

You have the right, you have the right,
I agree, we are all free,
Some will laugh, some will cry,
Some stay silent, sitting by.

I'll admit that you have wit,
You're still a total, utter ***.
is evermore thicker than is Ink:
take great heed of what you say,
but heed yet more what you think.
I got a ****** nose and I let it drip onto a page of writing done with a calligraphy sharpie, and took note of the distortions of the ink. That was my inspiration for this.
Of course* nice guys finish last:
we make **** sure our ladies finish first!
A fun slant on an old idiom.
I don't know if I saw this somewhere or if it came to me, but in any event, here you go.
Don't tell me how to do it:
I don't want to make your mistakes,
I want to make my own mistakes.
 May 2014
Jessica Head
I miss me!
I believe
that One who cannot handle
One's beliefs being challenged
did not arrive at them by genuine means.
Their beliefs be not authentic,
but are, rather, artifacts of people
who "know better."

Better; prithee,
better for whom?

I believe
they've been conditioned
to believe in such a way;
Pavlov's Dogs, but via spiritual food;
hence such unwillingness
to discuss the reasons:
they know them not.

They were merely imbued with such zealous belief
as if, hypothetically, by some socially sanctioned cult,
rather than encouraged to think for themselves,
arriving at authentic philosophical conclusions.

But, then again,
authentic philosophy is impossible to control from the outside, in.

Aye, *there's the rub.
This is about no particular school of thought, simply the unwillingness to philosophize about one's own philosophy.
It just so happens that many schools of thought exclude personal philosophers. Hence my distaste for them, and hence this write.
The truest of Masters
are not keen to say "I told you so,"
regardless of how many times they did, in fact, tell you so.
If you will only accept perfection, you will never truly accept anything.

Flaw is illusory. Flaw is character.
Flaw is in the eye of the beholder.
It is perfect already,
hence existence.

It is harmony.
True Art is no thing; it's a way of life.
Art is not an object, it's a philosophy.

The truest Poetry is not written or spoken,
it is simply lived.
Each and every day,
do something
to make your future Self
a better person.
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