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 Jul 2014
Jethro Nhero Cuizon
Its haunting me,
the feeling I cannot escape.
I'm lost in this strange maze
with a strange feeling.
Though it sounds like nightmare
but it taste like a beautiful dream.
The sound of music
seems unreal.
It's like a melody, a lullaby
that keeps your heart awake.
The once an empty canvass
now seems to bloom with beauty,
filled with color and piquancy.

This dream isn't done
when I woke up with you.
I'm falling for you.
 Jun 2014
Heather Mirassou
In a dream I felt the cool white
His sweet madness
Among anchor water lilies
The willows were trembling

A nest of twilight kisses
Where the stars are shivering

Scented sweet and wild
From violet forests
Our arms intertwine
With beads of love
 Apr 2014
Joseph Childress
**** it,
The small hole that lies
In all hearts
Is a larger part
Of my whole,
My arteries hold no
Holy blood, but
Ole faithful spurts
More life then ancient articles.
Art is Gold.
Not folded in papers.
Though, these zig-zags have
Had their fair share
Of wear and tear on my soul
My core
Is iron ore
I wore, and tore
The fabric of space
For us
To meet face to face
Has nothing to do with it
I only ate
The apple
To show the faults
Within me
With sin
I have nothing
But what heaven sent
Next to me.
Where window’s to a soul
Hold enough water
To feel a widows pain.
I see through you
Like sheen stockings
To hide
What you’re trying to show
On purpose
You’re perping
Like the drug
That deceives me
Into believing that I need it
Needless to say
I’ll take needles
Of your love to vein,
In vane of God’s name
As I search
For the rib
I lost in his name
Competing with
My empty heart
For completeness.
 Apr 2014
“Zoomy zoomy zoomy zonch, crawly, crawl **** youzy you.” the caterpillar said. She was tired of wrapping and unwrapping herself for him. She knew how much he liked it and needed it. But it was ALL he needed. Her pudgy little flesh, ready to chew and spit out. Nothing ever hurt more than that. “At  least swallow me.” She said. “At least end me. But, no. Now when I go to cocoon, I’ll be sad and cold and covered in spit. “ But he nibbled her and gave her a squeeze and a slap and called it affection and went on away.
Poor little caterpillar. Her butterfly-self better be beautiful and fleeting. Because if you come round again, poor little girl gonna fly away swiftly, you best believe.
 Apr 2014
I  find myself diving inside of you where the weird dream shamans draw sketches of naked humans.
And you’re a human, and we're both naked. You’re purple, you’re just the perfect shade. I place my flag inside, to abscond us away inside of a womb where our world will open to portals to all of our favorite places. A floating haven, of cashmere. Gestating where the climate is warm and damp, and coloring me dark with wine—sweet wine of lovers, penal, forgotten, and fermented anew in maternal rite, because…
This swarming melodic nectar that swims through my nostrils and rolls in my eyes cannot be drank casually. It’s the elixir of love. I love you,
And in you, I find that I love myself.

What’s more, the shamanists exclaim, “She wants to give you all of herself.” Yes, they’re right. Even what I do not love so much, I want you to have, if you’ll take it, because I have to live with it, and if you live with me, you’ll have to live with it too. And then, when you crack open your sternum to let the things in, the scribes of my life’s doing, of ancient passion proclaim! They burn their papyrus scrolls soaked in the blood that I drew from my veins to pass unto yours— and you swallow them whole like divine burritos. And then we are ready for the world to fall suddenly, if it felt so inclined. Now that our chests are pressed together, and our tongues are fused tight.  We are the daughters of the prima mother. We are the goddesses of our dreams.
 Mar 2014
You are young
and still don't understand why you should be afraid of the dark
so you venture into it.
Leave behind the crying people,
and your parents blank faces
surrounding the urn that cradles your sister's ashes.
No one has told you why she wanted to be burned so you do not ask.
You don't know this yet, but you never will.

Imagine you are chasing fairies,
it helps you to ignore the cold,
the pinch of your Sunday shoes,
the voice of your older sister whispering that you will be caught.
But you are determined to have an adventure
and so you run.

Years from now you will remember this moment,
you will swear you could feel the brush of fairy wings
against your face as you rushed away from the marble mausoleum;
but there are no trees
only dirt, only gravestones,
only bushes too high and wide
for your arms to reach around.

Run until the ground rises up,
and greets your body with a bone crushing hug.
It will not let you go, no matter how hard you struggle
or how loudly you scream.
Dirt covers your head and you fear you are being buried alive.
You are not.
This will not stop the nightmares that come later.

(You are twenty and you are speaking to your therapist
she tells you to breathe, she tells you again.)

Time passes, as time has a habit of doing,
and you are standing above ground.
You cannot feel your fingers
only the curious stares of your cousins
and the long suffering sigh from your mother
who wipes the dirt from your face, absentmindedly.

“Did you go off to play and get lost?” she asks.
“You promised you'd stay put.”
You say nothing.

“You are so beautiful. Such pretty eyes.” she says, struggling to smile,
to say words that she thinks will calm the heart clawing at your chest
the way you clawed at the walls of your grave.
You are covered in dirt. There are rocks in your shoes.
You have lost your favorite bow.
You say nothing.
 Jan 2014
I am a tiger
pacing restlessly
behind the bars

of an open cage.
 Oct 2013
At the end of the night
you will fly to her window
and kiss her goodnight
with lips that promise

but you will be back at my side
before her window has closed;

and I will follow your
laughing blue eyes
into the night

the next person
who will use my     
pixie dust
to fly into your arms
 Oct 2013
You are as close as I will ever come to love.
                                         (Yet you are still

                                                          so far away
                                                          that even if I ran around
                                                          the mountain of mistakes
                                                          growing quietly
                                                          between our bodies
                                                          my regrets would reach you
                                                                                                      before I did.)
 Sep 2013
I want to dream the dreams
that you have dreamt
and chase you through
your nightmares,
on bare feet,
through darkness and the forest of your memories.

(When I am close enough
I will catch your hand
in mine
and gently remind you
that soon
you will wake up

next to me.)
 Sep 2013
I am not a poet
and you are not a mystery.

You are a boy
with eyes too blue
to be compared to anything
but the sky

and I am just a
lonely girl
who wishes you would
stand still
long enough to see
the stars in her eyes.
 Sep 2013
It's 7AM
     where you are
and where you are
         I am not.

So time
does not matter
because its passing brings you
no closer to me
                         (nor me to you)

All that matters is that
I am   here
you are       there
and I am
missing you
 Sep 2013
I have a weakness for a boy
with shadows in his eyes
and fire in his throat.

When he speaks,
like a dragon,
he exhales his truth
singeing all those who dare
come close.

A knowing fool,
I dance daringly
through the flames;

aching for a glimpse
behind a mask
he doesn’t know
that he still wears.
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