I am hieroglyphic pottery
Broken before my
Time'd begun...
I tried to piece myself
Together, but found
The puzzle overrun.
I couldn't find the
Precious fragment
With which to keep
The water in...
It flowed out, yellow
And stagnant
Full of sickness
Full of sin.
Yes, I'm a hieroglyphic
Vase... a bowl with
Pictographs and runes
I'm whole now, you'll
Find this is the case,
I found the piece!
This blessed boon!
My hieroglyphics are
A summer scene,
The piece I needed
And I won,
Was the part which
Soared the heavens
The constant
Ever faithful
Nope. Won't stop talking 'bout
my Jesus! Without Him I
would be dead in every
sense of the word...