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 Nov 2019
South by Southwest
I've had enough
of the words of rhyme
Locked away behind
the bars of stanzas
doing time

All the hopes
and wanna be dreams . . .
Just more nightmares
with chilling screams

No I had it !
and I don't want anymore
I don't want someone knocking with words to implore

Go take your metre ,
Yellow pencils number four
I don't want to hear you
knocking on my door

You can go post
and share with the world
Shelly , Keats , Byron . . .
They all make me feel sterile

A sonnet for your bonnet
Haiku for beret
You can put a quill to it
Go have your good Shakespearean
 Nov 2019
Surbhi Dadhich
In the dark and deep interiors
Where harsh reality prevails
Where no state's aid knocks
A gruesome tale it entails
Where woman is a mother,
Sister, or a guileless daughter
Behind veils of ignorance
Where poor is beaten excruciatingly
For solely out of wantonness
A young girl writhing with pain
Fear, dysphoria of social shame
Where age-old myths are sacred
In their glum and gloated atmosphere
Where harsh reality prevails
Out of sophisticated, sedentary lifestyles
In the dark and deep interiors
Where backwardness is upheld...
 Nov 2019
Sometimes I wonder about life
What it is that calls to me
In the darkness of my unknowing
I wonder what truly lies
At the depths of my be ing
Reaching out to catch me
As I fall into
The abyss
Not knowing is the sign
Of true compassion
Of true humility
Of a trust that is so deep
And so wide
That I fear not
The fall
 Nov 2019
stomach in my head
my head scattered every where
red is the abyss
no longer am I fearing
I doze with a grin, knowing
 Oct 2019
Sarita Aditya Verma
Unearthly hours
Cool breeze makes it beautiful
Green leaves glow and softly shine
Under the streetlight fluorescent white
Grey clouds and the crescent moon
Hum along with the tender leaves
They shimmer and shine, bend and sway gracefully in every way
Shadows on the pavement and the white plastered walls as the leaves softly dance
A beauty in the dark
 Oct 2019
Walter W Hoelbling
I think
what saves today’s commercial xmas hype
from being absolutely nauseous
is the wide-eyed joy of children
when they open their gifts
and find their dreams come true

a faint echo
of the joy in the eyes of the Kings
when after their long travails
they discovered the baby of their dreams
had miraculously become reality
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