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 May 2018
The Misconstrued
I binge eat on all possible junk food,
It inexplicably elevates my mood,
Now trapped by people ceaselessly commenting on my increasing weight,
Does anyone else feel like they are putting food in a body they now absolutely hate?
I can’t stop.
Pro tip: compliment her on her haircut or new shade of lipstick instead. Compliment him on his awesome t-shirt instead. Remember, every word makes an impact, negative or positive.
 May 2018
The Misconstrued
When will I be able to put them to rest,
These monsters in my head.
Why can't I stop my mind from tormenting me and let it go,
Just as easily as people tell me so.
Make it magically end.
 Apr 2018
The Misconstrued
If maybe I could somehow stop my thinking,
I could save myself from sinking,
My life feels like a futile struggle in quick sand,
Oh how I wish my feet could feel some solid land!
All these breakdowns and self harm is my heart crying in despair,
I'm afraid my life is beyond repair.
In need of help but your attention I cannot steer,
How do I make myself disappear?
 Mar 2018
The Misconstrued
He lit up her world,
And then left leaving a little bit of his light with her,
She fuels it with their memories or imaginations,
He visits her time and again to gift her that one more memory,
To keep that light burning forever?
Stuck in a vicious cycle
 Mar 2018
The Misconstrued
Lost, yet why are we still connected,
Why have I given a part of my soul to you,
Why do you deviate from what is needed and expected,
Why am I in a constant loop of circling back and hoping my dreams come true
Being depressed gets you thinking so much. Fragmented thoughts
 Jan 2018
The Misconstrued
My mind is slipping in and out of crazy,
That fine line between sanity and insanity looks almost blurry and hazy.
 Jan 2018
The Misconstrued
How do I stop my painful dark world from bleeding into reality?
How do I get ahold of my sanity?
How do I erase the life I have before me?
How do I destroy my memory?
How do I put an end to my warped thinking?
How do I save myself from sinking?
It is getting worse.
 Dec 2017
The Misconstrued
Love, the age-old myth,
Twenty four years of existence and I already know love is an illusion.
Or maybe I do not deserve it.
Its absence hurts me the way someone mourns for her lover or a mother her son.
What does love even look like because I may have a different version of it in my head.
And not getting it makes me wish I was dead.
 Nov 2017
The Misconstrued
I didn't know what 'I hate you but I love you' meant,
Until thoughts of you consumed me yet I began disliking you up to an extent,
I found myself crying for you,
When actually I should be worried sick about the operation I'm about to go through,
I constantly wait for your overly concerned text or call,
You just tell me not to have an expectation list so tall,
You tell me work keeps you busy and you've always been this way,
But my depressed lonely mind knows we were inseparable back in the day,
You know something is not right,
When you think about it and want to **** yourself and give up this half a decade long fight.
A mindless fight for love.
Is my mind driving me crazy?
 Oct 2017
The Misconstrued
I started it.
I let you stay in love with me while I was with someone else,
All the while smothering my feelings, my vain attempts to **** it.

You claimed to be with other women to get over me,
Until you found the woman you fell in love with,
Who almost set you free.

Whispered promises of love we shared,
While we held each others heart hostage,
We united with other bodies and hurting each others feelings were not spared.

I wish I had the courage to make it stop,
Instead of us pretending to be okay with it,
And letting a shot at a life together drop.

I am like the book on your night table that you keep but never read,
Even though you were in love with her,
You said I was also what you need.

You thought all that died that day was your unborn child with her,
A part of my soul died too,
Knowing that you two almost held a beautiful moment so dear.

What I did not know was that I was capable of dying a death more painful,
when you made love to her again,
right after I shared my body with you, a union I thought was magical and beautiful.

You casually shrugged and asked me what did I expect,
well then please put an end to this misery that was once love,
and erase everything right up till the first time we met
Did we push it too far? There's no simple love is there?
 Oct 2017
The Misconstrued
My end will almost be poetic,
Me painted all over the pavement... Oh! So dramatic!
Over and over, at least that's the way I imagine it to be,
Everything just how I fantasise about it,  right down to the T.
 Aug 2017
The Misconstrued
Whisky,*****, ***,
Anything I could get my hands on,
Only a temporary escape, such a pity,
Something to smooth out the rough edges of reality,
Blur out the past,
Those incessant barrage of disconnected memories flashing before my eyes so fast,
Numb myself for one night from all the sorrow,
And promise to press the replay button tomorrow.
 Aug 2017
The Misconstrued
For if I could relive my past,
I'd make you hit me more,
Because the wounds won't last,
It's the scars by your pointed words that will remain.
Don't you all wish certain things could be unheard?
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