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Lady RF - Rosalie Fayad
Sydney, Australia.    Australian Poet, Rosalie Fayad - Lady R.F. Author of "The Edge of My World" is debuting her poetry book internationally - available at and …
Cynthia Jean
Cynthia Jean   Member
Michigan, USA    All works are under the copywrited possession of Cynthia Jean, and may not be used, copied, reproduced, or distributed in any manner without the author's …
Sanjukta Nag
Sanjukta Nag   Member
India    I am a thirsty poem longing for words
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Abbottabad Pakistan    Books, Feelings, Chains of Life, Burning Fire, Misty Panorama, Love Symphony, Blooming Spring, Colours of Universe, Amidst Sand Dunes, Drizzling Rain, Violent Waves, Rising Moon, …
Sukanya Sinha Roy
Sukanya Sinha Roy   Member
India    Allowing myself to transform as many times as I need to be fully happy and free.
L   Member
19/Non-binary/New York    ...................................just bones & dust.............................. *sensitive content warning: some poetry on my profile may have themes of suicide, self harm, violence, mental illness, blood, and death; …
Lora Lee
Lora Lee   Member
I am a writer, of both poetry and fiction, since as long as I can remember. It is simply a part of who I am, …
phil roberts
phil roberts   Member
M/north-west england    My motto is: I hope to die laughing.......but not today :) Phil Roberts
Star Gazer
Star Gazer   Member
____________________________ All works are copyright protected
Nishu Mathur
Nishu Mathur   Member
53/F/India    I love to write. Haven’t written much in the last two years. Hope to start again some time.
Traveler   Member
62/M/Traverse City Mi.    Photo of my family Banshee, Wicca and Lilly, we hunt and forage the northern forests. Try to keep up with us if you can… I …
Lazhar Bouazzi
Lazhar Bouazzi   Member
Carthage, Tunisia    ‘For Bouazzi, Shelley’s rhetoric is “bound up with the human makeup” (11). This toughly elegant formulation articulates the book’s conviction that Shelley’s affirmation and disaffirmation …
Alyana Garcia
Alyana Garcia   Member
wordvango   Member
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
Cali   Member
Sad things, serenade me.
mickey finn
mickey finn   Member
30/M/liverpool, uk    golden
Christi Michaels MoonFlower
I hope that my writings touch others as Poetry and Timeless Prosodies have touched me. aka: MoonFlower "Fluer de Luna" Currently recovering from a traumatic …
Valsa George
Valsa George   Member
India    Spend my time reading and writing poems. Through poetry, one can establish soul connections with the right kind of people. Love of Nature is deeply …
Francie Lynch
Francie Lynch   Member
A poem is like a tickle, it gives both joy and pain: with blissful tears and tearful giggles, you'll read that poem again. A poem …
SassyJ   Member
38/F/Australia    Shed no tears, use the words as a burning flame..... A confessional poetess
Anne Curtin
Anne Curtin   Member
57/F/Mounds View MN    Poetry is Yrteop spelled backward
Keith Wilson
Keith Wilson   Member
Windermere UK    Retired Gardener. Been published in many books. But find this site truly amazing. Thank you all..
Alyssa Underwood
Alyssa Underwood   Member
"The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' And let him who hears say, 'Come!' Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him …
nivek   Member
I ponder.. with wonder ... I think . Where would we be without forgiveness?
Paul Butters
Paul Butters   Member
UK    I love creative writing, especially poetry. "O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed." GM Hopkins. Perfection is Relative.
Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose   Member
F/Port Charlotte, FL    Love to read, love to learn I don't claim to be a poet, just set down thoughts and feelings Sometimes see life through a dark …
Hira malik
Hira malik   Member
31/F/Pakistan    Row , row, row ur boat, gently down the stream, merily, merily , merily , merily, life is but a dream.
Autumn Rose
Autumn Rose   Member
F/Where the roses wilt    ,,Do not watch the petals fall from the rose with sadness, know that, like life, things sometimes must fade, before they can bloom again,,
Fay Slimm
Fay Slimm   Member
Cornwall U.K.    I have been in love with the mystery of words ever since I learned to read - keeping journals and writing stories and plays was …
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