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 Apr 2020
Paul Butters
Maybe there must be Existence
For Non-Existence to exist,
Life for Death,
Death for Life,
Finiteness for Infinity,
You can work out the rest.

Love and hate, pain and pleasure,
All a continuum,
All inevitable.

Existence cannot be denied
Even if we live in a virtual world:
A fantasy penned
By who knows who?
For thinking is being,
We all know that.

So enjoy while you can
Before you get written
Out of the script.
Spring turns to summer now
In a seemingly endless circle
Even a globe.
Make the most of it
And party on
As best you can
In your own unique way.

Paul Butters

© PB 25\4\2020.
I just took a break and...
 Apr 2020
in all this suffering
in this quiet

don't forget we're so small
looking out to the sky
the moon towers me

I know they're out there
looking down on me
I'm feeling like nothing
 Apr 2020
Do the stars know that they're far
Or do they think that falling is just warm
In love with the friction of an attractive atmosphere
How they wish to plunge into our wishful sight
Like a rippling rock or a wavering tree
No stars are not afraid of being seen
If anything sought out in both sky and sight
As the most truthful of stars, ever been
Have and are smiling
From an insatiable height
Are Stars - And P.S. I'm taking back the trees
Earth's well-being comes back to us
It's contracting for expansion
Experiencing the same for us to come back to own sense of love
To radiate our intentions out to the world
To see feel God's love divine expression in each and every boy, man, woman and girl
Nature to ground us bring us unconditional love
Centering our core to earth's heart of home
Spreading from within to flow out
 Mar 2020
Like a train track whine
become embodies both peaks and beams
The very best of
If their ruminations on record can bounce
from flowing cloud to star and back again
Without falling an inch but
blooming into down an atmospheric
With peaking echoes so gently drawn
that it can stir the cattails fur
and create rainless ripples across the worlds of

That is when good harping is best
As a sound so fragile that it’s almost human
in its death at last
Regardless of digital

I love this sounding verse to pass
Harmonica sings my soul song
 Mar 2020
Jack Jenkins
The curtain closes after the bow
Creaking leather shoes start their step
Exit stage left

tap tap tap tap

Time stands as still as his heart
and a question ****** his mind
if his words were empty
or just the audience?

He got into this business to hurt
to feel something
It was his drug, after all
But he finally healed
Years later
A smile touches his scars

tap tap tap tap

Exit stage left
'Til death, does he art
Thank you all for reading my works, over the years. I never really planned to stop writing poetry, especially because I feel I've been writing my best work ever. this has been not only my work, but my diary. There's so much of me on this site, so much more than most people would ever know...

I'm quitting simply because I feel it is complete, at least for now. I originally started writing because I was in love with someone who is no longer in my life, every time I refer to "her" in my notes... and I've made peace with it. I'm happy.

Thank you to everyone who changed my life, from here. I wish you all the best in life. Sorry for the burnt bridges, to those I no longer speak to.
 Feb 2020
You're very air
Is a voice my ears drink deeply of
Entranced by waters
And by the tales of a home yet known
If I sought out the trees
To sing you back into my own song
Would you hear me from this distance far
And come running
Knowing henceforth and forever
Where you belong

I sing when I'm super focused. Relaxed or both. Also this rendition is amazing. Cheers.
 Feb 2020
With a gentle voice
            Like blankets

    Midst stars from flowing ceilings
      With residing smile

          Into blackness of fear
     Unbeknownst no more

   What is joy
         To be a joyful sunset
     In the day of your child's life
 Feb 2020
Somedays I just want to sit
At a coffee shop and think
About all of the thoughts I’ve yet to see
All the skies I’ve yet to be
Someday Heart and Soul
 Feb 2020
My old heart roams around with you
Cut out of schedules
Grown out of loafers
Like the gifts once found
Beneath the pleasant tree we once shared
In one
I am all of memory
And once yours
No more
And she can have it. (: (:
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