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 Sep 2016
Fay Slimm
When hearts hunger to love
angels will see.

Need opens approach with
chance for release.

Heaven's intentions shall
brook no delays.

Freedom to show love is
how Love repays.
 Sep 2016
Gwen Johnson
I love how I can transform words
into art
but I'm lost as to what I want
when the side of me
the one that hides in the dark
that holds hands with melancholy
grips onto anything
onto everything
that might make it worthwhile
is the one that writes so effortlessly
but the side of me that is most at peace
has trouble writing more than a line
I've been so happy and healthy recently but I haven't been able to write very easily recently..
 Sep 2016
you shine bright as the sun
you're as beautiful as the
stars in the night sky

you're more brilliant
than a shooting star
more rare than a comet

i'm red with anger
much like mars
over not being in the
same room as yours

your blue eyes
draw me in and
make me feel safe
and comfortable

much like uranus
and neptune
their beautiful pale blue
color matches your eyes

don't forget the kindhearted
yellow color of venus
named after the goddess
of love aphrodite

that planet can represent
my love for you
because you're my light
in the darkness

of all space
and to end this
know that if you leave
like pluto

i'll miss you dearly
so please stay
another lightyear
and be my moon

together we'll create harmony
within ourselves
and within each other
because we're all stars
 Sep 2016
Pauline Morris
I don't want to move
I don't want to breath, I'm in that mood
Just leave me here to die a slow painful death
Crying and writhing till my finale breath
That can't come to soon
My heart and soul languish in this doom
Dear Sweet Jesus please come and take me now
Please, oh please I can't take this could you show me how
How to end this suffering I've endured all my life
God you've only given me strife
I thought you was finally gonna let love and light into my life
Only to ****** it away in the end
God you're so cruel you where never a friend
 Sep 2016
Pauline Morris
Standing in a harvested field, the sky touching the ground
Not a raise, a tree, or a hill to be found
A coal black cloud is coming down
Standing there head back, hoping in it's rain I drown
My heart is bleeding black
Everything from a young age went so off track
I am just the black sheep
I am just the freak
Watch me as my eyes leak
This lonely watch I keep
On my knees now I just weep
It's only sorrow that I reap
For a life lived amongst the ruins
Living under a storm constantly brewing
Daylight seeped through once or twice
Made the formless bleakness more than thrice
So I beg for no more light
It just makes it harder to fight
If blackness is where I'm ment to stay
Just keep the sun away
 Sep 2016
Akira Chinen
Is it love?
This vague imitation of life
This thing we pretend to know
To do
To be
The reason we ****** our hands and knees
This thirst and exhilaration
What are we so desperate for?
What is this hunger stabbing in our belly?
In our guts?
In our bone and marrow?
What drives our instinct of survival?
How can we say we care about tomorrow
While ******* away today?
******* away our loneliness
Instead of facing who we are
In mirrors built for one
Bullets penetrating knife scars
Both in our backs and
In our chests
Cold steel and hot lead
Love triangle forever wed
Bleeding heart of hope
Dying by the rope
Noose tied
Dead tree
Cold hands
The noise of lust
Pitter patter dead feet
Ghost in the hall
Wearing no reflection at all
Love in fake *******
Wilted by the dozen
Heart shaped box
Chocolate covered lies
Bitter lullabies
Rose colored lips
Breathing false sentiment
Two dimes for a quarter
To buy back lost alibis
Imitating life
What's the purpose
Without love?
 Sep 2016
Akira Chinen
What is it that we do?
Sewing metaphor to rhyme without reason
Mashing reason to metaphor without meaning
It's all so pretty in pretend
Ignoring ugly reality
For beautiful fiction
Why worry about tomorrow
As long as you can **** today away
**** poor but drunk rich
Pop another pill
For fake thrills
Sacrifice the truth
For pleasant lies
It's easier to feel numb
Than heart
 Sep 2016
Pauline Morris
The rain it pitter patters
Against my window splatters
And the only thing that really matters

Is your not here with me
It's like the sky could see
And started crying so soft and slowly
 Sep 2016
Emma Elisabeth Wood
Flesh, flesh and

the grave digger
clawing away at
the dirt

a shovel first
then hands

years of nail
biting offers the
earth a home

under his skin,
I am not one
to sift

patiently waiting
for old coins
or gold

the broken skull
of a cat, a chipped

that belonged to
a father, forgotten
in the yellowed papers

of time. Skin,
skin and bone
I died a year ago

hollow, rattling in
the fist of my

white sheets that
wrapped my

are pulled tight,
a half ghost
human shaped

my mouth is wide
with the Earth,
taken in and

****** like a plum,
skin and flesh

whole. There is
only bruised
fruit on the

funeral table. As
the grave digger
claws out my

hole. My first
fixed home,
a house of

soil and acidic
tears. Minerals
and salt

mixing like the
marrows of

buried in the
ground. I will
never leave

rotting, skeleton
shaking, the deep
breath before the

plunge. A war
lost, my final
hour and I am

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