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Entwined around you
This is when you put me against the wall,
as if I'm a painting you've been dying to display
 Nov 2017
ally maková
I lost a sense of myself
in the silk of sadness,
sprawled on my bed
of lilies and night-long moans
in lingerie and stockings.

Come look for me.

This darkening heart of mine
desires one dulcet dream only—
to see you dauntless,
throwing your head back,
desperate and divine;

Ah, please
Come look for me.

And at last when you do,
Ah, my lying love,
like a longing prey for you
I will lament not
the loss of myself,
for I know well
with your lace-like touch
you will lift me
from this silk of sadness
and not only will I become
your little poet, no—
I will be ultimately *pleased.
I haven't written anything in forever, which made me lose the poetess in me & that is what this poem is about. enjoy x
 Nov 2017
Dead Rose One

No, He said.

I want you

I want to taste the miracle of your desperation,
lick the sweet sweat of tense from the hairline well hid
on the back of your pleasuring neck.

I need your needing constant completion,
but not succeeding.

The airborne aroma of your desires are fiery, arousing,
stimulus sensating me by the unending beauty of dissatisfaction,
this virus desirous, infection, makes my perpetual wanting  
for an incomplete perfect woman,
forever seeking betterment,
perfectly complete.

11-15-17 11:51pm
mixed up emotions re this one; who is the striver, who is selfless   and/or selfish;  can be understood in many different ways
O my most unforgettable poem,
You are the strongest aphrodisiac
Thrilling me softly
Like wild butterflies
Believing in the goodness

Your lascivious words
Imbue high and low intoxication
Champagne kiss captured in mind maze
Enjoying the organized upheaval
I stumble and fall in love
With your silken intimacy

You are just like
My photograph in the frame
Brave half angel
Singing a song without a music

Words I need to express you
Come to me as a flash so easily
As they are needier to fit in you, my poem

Your silken intimacy made me weightless
To fall upon you and
I become your ultimate partner

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
 Nov 2017
Laurel Leaves
She used to lick
my hip bones as if they created a special taste
specifically for the tip of tongue  
sides of me would squirm while she danced rhythmically above
sunlight was made from the strands of her
dripping hair
I would perk my lips
gesturing my existence to the sound
of her fluttering lungs
at each giggle  
patches of grass tickled below my back
small specks of clouds
planes racing from the ground
I felt her voice
in the coils of
percolating vowels
safe precocious sounds.
You excite me
You terrify me
I want you to look at me
So deep into each other's eyes
Kissing down my neck mouth and thighs
Hold my hand in yours let's play and while away the hours
Kiss me as though a first kiss
Take me with your power
Passion so intense it was ment to be
Let's get lost in one another
So completely
 Oct 2017
Lora Lee
in this
        of limbo
          the distance rises
               in curls of smoke
        a prairie fire
siphoning into
crisp edge
           of forest
          Inside my
uncloaked ventricle
primeval forces
turn my blood into
dusted gold
as they pump
        sacred texts
into my oxygen
      They roll your quintessence
upon my fingers,
            playing inside
     my psyche's  
wild ache
a spread of orifice
in spellbound mantra,
       as I spit out
            hairy thorns,
a holy purge of
Somehow ---
like a miracle,
I grow ripe seedlings
from deep within
            my womb
as I trip into
a universe rising
I take wisps
of your grace
as it brushes
the jut of my
astral collarbone
You are always
         grounding me
                    like this,
               my tongue
         over velvet
stance of warrior
        assuaged into silk
        Without you,
I might be
whisked off into
the periphery
of chaos
but instead
       I am simply
tied to
      the urgency
of the little novas
about to

While I wait
            I tend to
              the wildfires.
     to make sure they
                   are still burning
I keep my honey
wet and fresh
upon your
let my pores
drip moonpools
    into your glistening
wet of mouth
and only when
          it is time
I let the whole of
           me burst
into the
      fire -wrapped
tips of
suits the mood!!
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