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I am so desperate, for you my Saving God.
For there is none other that could save me.
For there is none other, liker you Lord God.
I am so very Desperately needing you God.
For who else can rescue and save me Lord.
I need you so desperately my Saving Savior.
There is none other, whom can save me God.
For you have my Life and my Soul as well.
For only you can save any of us from everything.
 Apr 2017
I have longed for him with despair
But for You it is with a Bright Hope
a soft and resting air
I have no promise of his return
as I imagine my fingers in his hair
But I feel Your invisible arms
Stronger than his physical being could dare
 Apr 2017
John F McCullagh
Convicted and condemned, I hang
Upon a cross of wood .
With me my co-conspirator
And a rabbi, one reputed good.
I hear the rabble mocking him;
This teacher crowned with thorns.
Like me, he struggles for each breath.
Like he, he’s suffering and alone.
We are naked to the wind
There is no dignity in this death
For one like me so steeped in sin.
I beg a blessing for my soul
Before eternity beckons Him
He looks at me with kindness then
and speaks to me of Paradise.
I sense He’s dying as we speak
Though I have sinned, he pays my price.
I hear him cry out to the sky
as he yields his spirit up.
The sky grows dark, Golgotha shakes
A solider with a stave draws near.
Lord I will follow soon enough.
The New Testament story of the good thief
 Apr 2017
Cynthia Jean
So many reasons
for tears
in my life,
yet I need
only One
for hope.

Cj 2017
My tears mirror the rain.
One by one,
they leave me.
And I grieve.
I grieve.

There is only One.
Who understands.
My pain.
Who understands.
The searing loss.

One by one.
They left Him.
All His followers.
In His hour of deepest need.
They did leave.
Even His closest friend.
Denied Him.
And Judas...
Betrayed Him.
He was...
Forsaken of men.
A Man of Sorrows.
Acquainted with grief.
Who bore my griefs.
Who carried my sorrows.

One by one.
They left.
And then...
Inner conflict.
The Cross.
His will.
His fear.
His anguish.
And His tears fell.
Not like rain.
But like great drops of Blood.
Upon the ground.
"Let this cup pass from Me!"
And then...
"Not My will, but Yours be done."

He endured.
The deepest torment of soul.
The greatest grief of all.
One which I will never have
to bear.
His Father turned His face away.
"My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
For that tortuous moment.
When the sins of all
weighed heavy upon Him.
My Saviour was utterly alone.
Completely forsaken.
For me.
For love.
Of me.
So I would never be.
Utterly alone.
Completely forsaken.

My tears mirror the rain.
As one by one.
They leave.
And I am left.
With Him.
With the Man of Sorrows.
My Saviour and King.
Who alone can understand.
My pain.
And then...
Beneath the shadow of His wings.
He heals my wounds.
Until I am whole.
Inspired in part by Isaiah 53, Holy Bible.
Life is hard at times, and it might seem better to give up.
Situations may seem like they going to end up bad.
Things may even seem impossible to overcome.
But in reality we serve a Living Savior whom saves.
In fact, he loves to save us, its for his Greater Glory.
For he loves to save us from the impossible.
He wants each of us to overcome each situation.
So instead of giving up, Praise him give him the Glory.
Though the feeders stand empty.
The birds still rejoice.
They do not fly around in frantic fear.
Like I do.
They trust You to feed them.

Though I have no provisions stored.
No wealth saved for tomorrow.
And my coin pouch is empty.
I choose to rejoice and trust You
to provide for my needs.

I lift up my voice and sing to You.
Though there is no cattle in my stall.
And no fruit on my vines.
I cling to Your promise.
Your promise is this:
You will give me all that I need.
As I seek first Your kingdom
and Your righteousness.

Myself and my seed
shall not be begging bread,
even if my coin pouch is empty.
And I have no provisions stored.
I will trust in You, my God.
For You have promised.
To provide.
Based on Hab. 3:17-19, and Matt. 6:25-33,  Holy Bible
Face to face.
I let You love me.
And cast out my every fear.

Face to face.
I let You unlock my heart.
With Your tenderness.

Face to face.
I let You teach me.
Your ways.

Face to face.
I speak to You.
As my closest Friend.
And I hear.
Your tender voice.
Such love!
Such intimacy!
Oh, why have I
spent so much of my life.
Running from You.
Spurning Your affections.
Grieving Your heart.
the Wilderness.

But now...
but now...
Face to face.
You draw me.
Closer and closer.
With cords of Love.
You ravish my heart,
O Lover of my soul!

Face to face.
I give myself to You.
In surrender.
In trust.

Face to face.
My eyes see You.
My heart hears You.
As I submit myself
to Your rod and staff.
In Your Refiner's fire,
You consume.
All my dross.

In the wilderness.
In the grief.
In the darkness.
I behold You.
Face to face.
In intimacy.

My mourning
is turned
into dancing.
As I behold Your
glory, Your wisdom,
Your unending love.
And come away.
With healed wounds.
With fears  calmed.
With renewed purpose.
Having beheld You.
Face to face.
For Jesus Christ, my Shepherd.
 Apr 2017
Jack Jenkins
We talked for the first time
in forever it seemed.
Actually talked, I mean.

I forgot how nice it was to
trust you with me.
See I lost my way with you.

We're just two battered souls
trying to scrape by.
Come fly with me, girl.
Had a talk with one of my most valued friends. We talk almost daily, but it was like last night we actually did talk for the first time in forever.
Lover of my soul,
You fill every longing of my heart.
Eternal Husband,
You are faithful and true.
Shepherd of my heart,
You are safe and You are strong.
Oh, how I love You!
You are my Fountain of Living Waters.
I thirst no more.
Your voice whispers to me,
words of life and healing.
You change me from a cowering fool,
into a hart with hinds' feet.
Able to leap upon my high places.
Of difficulty and trial.
You draw me with cords of love.
You romance my soul.
You bind me to Your heart
with bands unbreakable.
My Shepherd and King,
I desire You more than anything!
I want nothing.
I want no one.
To ever come between us again.
I honour You.
I love You.
I worship You.
You are my Greatest Treasure.
And there is no other.
Worthless idols,
be gone from me!
O Shepherd of my soul,
You have set me free.
I set You before me.
And in You I've found.
My identity.
For You speak over me,
that I am no longer called
My new name now.
"Grace and Glory."
Inspired by the book "Hinds' Feet on High Places" by Hannah Hurnard, and Isaiah 30, Holy Bible.
 Apr 2017
Nancy E Tracy
like a soft breeze through a willow
He reaches out and bids me take his hand
An easy step across the River Jordan
No more need to understand
All things are clear to me upon my pillow

"I'm here" He said "just like I promised"

"No more sorrow, No more fear.
You'll not ever shed another tear
No more pain and no tomorrow,
eternity is your's.  
Well  done my friend"
RIP Charlie..............we all loved you dearly.  (Lost another friend yesterday)
 Apr 2017
Jack Jenkins
Bless the Man crucified
Bless the slain Lamb
Bless He who bled
Bless God in flesh
Bless the Savior
Bless Jesus
He Lives
How I live my life is totally different from the praise I put in this poem. #hypocrite
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