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 Aug 2015
Those tender soft lips,
Ah, those heavenly hips.
One'd never tend to miss,
After along time of resist,
He said:

"Girl, I would grab you from the hips,
Those big, cherry lips, I'd widly kiss."

She nodded her head,
And grabbed him by the shirt,
In a ******* scrumptious dissmiss,
She'd whisper and temptingly hiss,

"Boy, Take it easy!"*

© copy right protected
 Aug 2015
Mike Hauser
I accidentally stepped into the women's restroom
Turned around to quickly leave
Noticed there was no one there
Then turned back around for a manly peak

What the ladies do in here
Has always been a mystery
So I lurked about and scouted out
To let all the other men know what I've seen

First thing right off the bat I noticed
What appeared to be a sofa against the wall
Thinking it a pretty fancy toilet
Not to be hidden in a stall

As curiosity was killing this cat
I went over to lift the lid
The guys will never believe this
A couch is really what it is

No wonder the women take so long
When they say they'll be right back
They all head together to the restroom
To take themselves a little nap

Then over on the counter
I see bottle after bottle after bottle of perfume
I know that girls like to smell nice
But you have to wonder exactly how good

Just then I decided to crawl under the counter
A little more in depth into the mystery
That's when I heard the voices
Coming down the hallway at me

I can't tell you how many hours
I was stuck in that bathroom stall
But I can tell you it felt like forever
As the women jabbered and talked...

...and this being a holiday weekend
They shut the lights and locked the door
Which I guess is okay since I needed a break
And no one's here to hear me on the couch as I snore
 Aug 2015
Victoria Queen
You found me like a shipwreck,
weathered down to the frame and
splintered by salt and storm.

You became the nails, the boards;
the rudder and the raised sails.

Your heart is my compass,
and it guides me back home.
 Aug 2015
Dustin Matthews
You're my love story
Open the book, start reading
Ya!  It's about us.
© All Rights Reserved Dustin Matthews
 Aug 2015
Not a poem

I put up a post entitled
"my poetry is dying"
I deleted it

I think some of you
thought I am going to leave

Not at all!
I simply don't have as much
time to dedicate to the site
due to caring
for my very elderly parents

I wish you all to know that
I will be on Hello Poetry
God willing
for as long as I can
hold a pen!

I was just discouraged by
all the distraction comimg at me
which was preventing me from
getting on site and reading
to support my fellow poets

God bless you all!
I will read when I can!

Catherine Jarvis
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
I beseech one to imprison me
In her lonesome heart like mine;
To loveth and careth for me
Until the end, and beyond time.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
 Aug 2015
Don Bouchard
Two Frenchmen,
One newly retired,
One still a few years out,
In high back leather chairs
Beside an empty fire place,
Guinness & coffee & conversation
To bring closure,
And to think how to begin again....

"I'm burned out!"
Mssr. Rivere declares,
"Away with books;
Away with the horn!"
He says, and I can tell,
That he feels worn.

Is this how we come to our ends;
Spent in years and worn of halls,
Chalk and marker memories,
And the clattering of chairs....
Old opening lines, closing remarks,
Grading done and logged,
And now it's out we're turned
To walk upon the parks,
Once quicker steps now trudging
Up and down the eternal stairs?

Memories' mellowed now,
And sometimes failing;
Shall we go sadly sighing,
Or do we go out flailing?

At these crossroads,
Care-worn teachers,
Revert to old philosophy,
To faith, and to our friends...
Ancient lines to lead us
Too soon to be old men....

Must look all ways, we,
Then venture out again
To see what lies beyond
The pasts we leave behind;
Take pause this afternoon
Upon the marge
Of journeys new
We must begin.
Thinking about a friend who ended 40 year's teaching this spring and is facing fall without semester preparations.... Life goes on....
 Aug 2015
Mike Hauser
When ever it is I look at you
What could the difference be
Out of all the words that you spew
And a boat tossed on the sea

To say you have a hard time
Is to say the least
A rudder for your tongue you'll find
Might better suit your needs

How many raging forest fires
Come from out your mouth
In ignorance your tossing gas on it
As flames come pouring out

And if they don't move fast enough
Your fanning of the flames
With destruction from the tongue
In all you have to say

Instead of holding higher standards
Your lowering the bar
If you have no need to reach
You'll never reach that far

So batten down the hatches
Put the lighter down
Set the ladder to the side
Until you figure out

How it is you get it done
In the world in which we live
I can tell you from experience
With the tongue is where it all begins
 Jul 2015
Francie Lynch
I'm in remission,
That's my condition,
Inside a revolving door.
I'm in,
I'm out,
Now whisper,
Now shout,
But the lip service
Is what I abhor.
If I had cancer,
You'd have your answer,
But addiction's
A revolving war.
The disease one's hated for having.
 Jul 2015
remembered you,
I believed in you,
You believed in me,
We were both sea creatures
uncommon seas.

We had taken to that
unconscious ocean
to see in the sea,
What we could see.

It's been a strange journey
of that there is no doubt.

Where everyone walks with
their insides in,
We travel these seas
with our
insides out,
We don't know any other
way to be
when you're swimming through
uncommon seas.

It's often a desert
out there,
But inside here
all kinds of musty
drudged up from
anxious memory
inhabitants of this sea -
Sponge Bob Square Pants
nothing on you or me,
We are all travelers
in this uncommon sea.

Our bathing suits left far behind,
the temperature sometimes
too hot
too cold
depending on our state of mind,
There's strife
character assination
uncommon seas
are far from placid.

The joy of traveling
you and me,
Sea creatures
the longing,
Finally belonging,
Where somewhere
out of the blue,
A Beluga whale
swims alongside
you and me
uncommon seas.
The symbol for the unconscious in dreams has been known to be the ocean.
 Jul 2015
Charlie Chirico
What if you're the addict that has accepted the first step a long time ago, while lines tallied up against years, and once familiar folk have given up hope long after patience; there's you first squatting in the corner of a house you barely know, with people you just met, and you shoot water in your veins, now on bent knees, praying this water is holy enough to ease the pain. The immaculate fix.

Arms outstretched, facing east and west, needles as big as nails delicately caressing the flesh and resting on sweaty palms, emaciating by way of lust and fear. No Will. No Power of Attorney. No Will Power.

They say Adam walked with Eve in the garden, and it was Eve that bit the apple. But you never hear the part about Adam killing Eve with silence. Adam was the snake. And of course above, and beyond, omnipotence comes with the added responsibility of design. "Would you consider yourself a Type A personality or a Type B personality?" The doctor asked.

One suicide and one admission to the psych ward should always be coincidental, but in case it's not and silence becomes deadly you must keep a straight face. Let the guilt mentally choke you, like a murderer choking the life from their victim. You look around the ward to find that there are no staircases. But empathy and keeping that straight face will lead to discharge, and programs, and twelve steps.
And you know when you get to that final step, it takes only one more
to push off and fall away.
 Jul 2015
things went accordingly
explosive by the book
consequently I found
pineful silhouettes
fossils of empty hands
floating poems
the boundaries of words
silk illusions or outrageous life
frozen layers of pain
pigments of pride
here is the splitting point
hey, don’t leave with me-crumbs
on your shoulders
I could make you the watchman of dreams
were they to loosen their grip

I am the daughter
of those serious people
without tears
the first flash of light-
the primordial invasion
violence against unformed space
a trapping container
I had to find escaping routes
from my mother’s womb
it chewed me out
it left me with no skin
so naked,  insane

I couldn’t try my birth before
only measure my pace
put it into question marks
spin around in memory-years
till it hit me that
I was so old
when I was born
not to hold on to
the vortex of wonder
the essence of reverie
the crest & zest of words
till I can make it
to the other side
of gravity
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