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I carry so much love
within me,
it extends
beyond the horizon,
beyond the stars,
into infinite space,
to another world
in another time,

My love,
it is endless,
it is boundless,
it grows daily,  
it lights up every night sky,
a fire burning ever so brightly,
it will continue to burn forevermore;
infinitely it will shine.

By Lady R.F ©2017
 Jan 2017
Black hole hourglass
Time ******* through
How do you deal with
Entropy as a muse?
Traveler Tim
 Jan 2017
Ola Radka
I looked at the Moon
I knew
That everything
My heart was telling me
 Jan 2017
Ann M Johnson
Have you ever had one of those days when everything seems to go wrong?
Have you had one of those days when you felt anything but strong?
Have you had one of those days when it seemed like you were a human ping pong?
Have you had one of those days whenever you tried to move forward things went backwards way too fast?
One of those days are not meant to stay but will to quickly pass, be encouraged this kind of day will not last.
This present day itself will be gone before you know it. Please, hold on a little longer.
One of these days when the current hardships are over you should wake up feeling a little bit stronger.
Inspired by having one of those days.
Don't let me Lord into the ripe old age
when delirium is the only thing in my head
I don't know when I **** or wet the bed
my mouths can't open a tube in my nose
takes not but teases the end looming close.

Don't let me Lord into the ripe old age
when my legs just wouldn't stand by themselves
can move me nowhere without a hand to help
I don't know when  I would fall on my face
flirts me but fails me that last cold embrace.

Don't let me Lord into the ripe old age
when the marks of time are mind crunching pain
the ones around me don't see a gain
in the struggled breaths that force me to live
defer their tears to mourn and grieve.

Don't let me Lord into the ripe old age
I beg to leave before my mind leaves me
before the loved ones ask wearily
O Lord why not spare us the agony
hasten the end let him die quickly.
The cloth I gave it as cover for chill
is lying still.

Christmas eve was its last night.

Not that I knew
when picked it up
and gave it back
to the cold night.

I'm still holding it
heavy and invisible
on my heart
as my eyes repeat the scene
of crows pecking out its eyes
the head rolling on the earth
eyes closed.

I close my eyes
scared life could be so thin a thread
barely holding
and incredibly uncertain.
I am sad beyond words, my kitten Laloo died mysteriously sometime last night. I'm sorry if it spoils your joy of Christmas.
p.s. thanks friends, you really helped me to bear, grateful to you all.
 Dec 2016
Luna Lynn
pain will keep you from living a normal life
what's normal anymore?
pain will make you not want to get out of bed in the morning
pain will make you eager to go to sleep at night
pain will make you wonder if you'll wake up

pain will compromise your confidence in your own sanity
what's sane anymore?
pain will make you cry until your eyes stop working
pain will make you ***** every chance of healing you ever had
pain will take the air from your lungs until you stop breathing

i don't want to be in pain anymore
(C) Maxwell 2016
 Dec 2016
Amethyst Fyre
Sometimes, distortion in an image can appear as light.

Especially if you're desperately looking for a bright spot somewhere.

At least the depression's made me prettier, I think.

Not having an appetite lost me the few pounds that always made the doctor shake his head.

I slide my hands across my stomach and waist.

It only took a month to lose that weight.

Prettier, I think, cringing at the sick swirl of happiness that follows.

There's got to be a bright spot somewhere.

And even if that light is false and isn't really there, I'll take it over nothing at all.

Reality can be whatever twisted, fractured place I want it to be.
 Nov 2016
Mustard & Mayonnaise sandwiches
Because nobody grocery shops in this place
After some time I learned to adapt
So it just became the new way

Oversleeping through breakfast
Lunch is noon and night
Mustard & Mayonnaise sandwiches
Because they satisfy my appetite

I begged my dad for turkey and Swiss
But he always managed to forget
And when friends asked "what do you got to eat"?
I'd say Mustard & Mayonnaise sandwiches

It's the little things we remember when we grow up
The dullest things can be so significant
They're a symbol of my childhood,
Those Mustard & Mayonnaise sandwiches
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