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 Feb 2017
Akira Chinen
She had the sunset in her hand
and taught birds the dream of flight
and painted the patterns on every butterfly
and made the sounds of every hummingbirds wings
The scent of rain danced within
the dark strands of her hair
and lighting and thunder were
the echos left behind from her dreams
She was the grace of the birth of autumns leaves
And the beauty of the fading death of spring
She held the magic of summer in the fairytale
you can only find while being lost
under the gaze of her deep stare
And her heart was made from the secret fires
of winter that kept bones and coco warm
but never harmed the falling snow
She was the song that beat in your heart
before your lungs took their first breath
And she will be the last kiss pressed against your lips
as your life exhales its last
She is the single infinite thread laced and stitched
through ever falling star and flickering flame
and bloods pulse and soaring wing and lost feather
and broken soul and sorrowful heart
that connects one and all to love
Let's thrive on hot pekoe tea tonight , on
a good high with an acoustic guitar
Let's find a bright star , finish the dishes , lets open a jar of wishes and be thankful for where we are
Two porch lovers that discovered one another
in our fifties , the gift of true love thats never ending
Treasuring the start of each day , to find your pretty face
in our quiet , perfect country place
Forevermore* ...
Copyright February 17 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Feb 2017
Lorraine Colon
If you awaken before me
And I'm crying in my sleep,
Kiss me gently and stroke my hair,
Give me reason not to weep

If you awaken before me
And I'm smiling happily,
It means I'm dreaming of your love,
Make my dreams reality

If you awaken before me
And I'm shivering with cold,
Let your body become my quilt,
Let your sensual warmth unfold

If you awaken before me,
Gently, darling, pull me close,
Tell me just how much you love me -
In poetry, then in prose

If you awaken before me
Please, never leave me alone,
I panic when I don't see you,
And your whereabouts unknown

If you awaken before me
And you need to hear me say:
"I love you more than life itself....."
Awaken me ..... you know the way!
the boat pierced the grey mist
and her eyes were misty

it has taken us twenty years
to be on that green island
to dig up the time
she glowed like a butterfly
and I shivered from her touch

her hand is ripened now
but that time
still hanging in the air
unleashed a wildness
froth from which
spilled into two children
chasing butterflies.
Sabuj Dwip (Green Island) on the confluence of the rivers Bhagirathi and Behula; 1996, 27.11.2016; 1 pm.
sweet chloe have you tamed that pretty bird,
as light as southern breezes on your arm?
how many hours have you beguiled and heard
your sparrow sing for you with graceful charm?
my poet's pen falls restless to the ground,
my fevered mind can find no peace today,
for all you do is praise his lilting sound
and pay no heed to anything i say.
great neptune throws his trident in despair,
apollo breathes, his tresses filled with fire
and i am left with solitary care
for jove cannot bring comfort with his lyre.
i do not wait forever at your door,
the burdened ocean storming to the shore.
written as if it was horace writing the poem.
 Feb 2017
Kelly Weaver
Oh, sacred Cupid
Stick me with your arrow and bring me to my feet
My knees have gotten so very weak and tired
Turn my sobs to kisses then back to sobs once more
And allow myself to forget my troubles even for a moment.
Allow love to take its fingers and lock them into mine
Only to break each and every finger just one more time
Touch my skin and allow it to erode and decay
Either finish me off entirely or take your love away

*I'd rather die than live another day
 Feb 2017
Valsa George
I saw....
Two black crystal *****
Rimmed with white
Reflecting an indefinable emotion
Glowing with some intense passion


Two eyes of oceanic depths
Relaying the most intimate message
“I love you” (?)

So piercing were those eyes
That I couldn’t stand their electric glare
From those eyes, rose the Promethean fire
Glistening like molten gold
At once sending out
The light of a hundred galaxies

From the fire bursting through those eyes
My body was turned into a conflagration
And my soul rippled like fermented wine

An ocean was stirring within
Whose whirls could never again be tamed
In those flooding pools
Let me cast my fishing net!
Wish all my friends a Happy Valentine's Day !
 Feb 2017
There is no other place I would rather be than lost in every thought of you
You are the answer to all the prayers I never knelt for, the gift I will always strive to deserve
You are the fire that keeps me going
You are my fuel when I'm running on empty
You are joy and pain and everything in between
You are my happy and sad, my high and low
You are nostalgia for a love that hasn't happened yet
You are responsibility, compromise, selflessness, and presence; magic, excitement, hope, and potential
You are the full measure I will always take, the battle I will always have to win, the choice I will never regret
You are my blue skies
You are my yellow sunflowers, my red roses
You are the flash of lightning, the eye of the storm
You are my anchor
You are the sun, the moon, and the stars
You are the Perseus to my Andromeda
You are home
You are you
If there was a longer time than forever
If there was a way we could drag eternity for us to truly have no end
I would find a way to spend it with you
I don't expect it
But I do pray for it
Every night
Down on my knees
To any god who will listen
There are
Some words I will never learn to spell
Some words I will never learn to define
Some words I will never learn to understand
But love will never be one of them
I love you
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