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 Feb 2016
The Dedpoet
The streets come alive when so many
Sleep softly into their dreams.
      The newer L.E.D. street lights pierce
The secrets on the Old 90.
    The women that the sun does not touch
Is aglow in the moonlit pavements,
Because she is a nocturnal,
     To be seen by those who cannot see
The bright sun, she shares herself
With the secrets, only known to those
That never stay.
       And to better fit into the list,
To better know the secret is to become
Something other than what is expected,
      A desertion of your standardised
Places, where scars can be hidden,
Everyone can dress as royalty,
     This is more common and natural,
Becoming the creature we all seem to
Leave behind.
     And here there are lovers,
Beckoningly fighting one another
For a chance at one night,
An embrace in the eternal momentary.

    And the thirst is deep,
The desire is a window to the stellar
Places, a deep freedom in the nocturnal,
        An occasion set for nightly meetings
Of souls with shadows that seem to chase,
       Street people on the Western venture,
An exchange of souls at home in the night.
A series of poems I will write to my city, my home, and the unique lifestyle of the city night.
 Feb 2016
That gasping when the hole is torn
though ever slowly worn
That sudden anguish at a loss
  fire fights with frost
That deep struck wound
as lovers end
was not first born in man
But borne upon the Greatest Heart
who feels each sorrow deaper
than any creature can

For at the bite of Adam
10 billion souls were lost
Though suspended in unatmospheric space
their eternal joy was tossed
The Sorrow of Divine
Cruel Heartbreak
The sorrow of God is a mystery. How awful it is to ponder- was it at that moment that God first felt heartbreak? And He must feel all things most deeply.
 Feb 2016
Busbar Dancer
Your laugh.
The big one.
The loud one.
The "I'm at home laugh."

Not the quiet, public laugh;
the polite titter for
dinner with aquantances.

I want the big throated, down deep laugh.

I want your breathless whispers against my neck.

I want one of those hugs you give me when you mean it. The desperate embrace.

I want minutes. All of them... to soak up the seconds as the thirsty are nourished by dewdrops.

I will love all of the sadness and uncertainy  and anxiety.
These are minutes too.
I wish I'd been better, sooner.

I've loved you so much for so long it feels like all of the love that ever was
Over the course
Of forever.

I love you so much that I wish I had a unique word.
A language singularity
that was only for you.
A word that I didn't have to share with shampoo commercials and free lunches and other people.

I (_) you with all my heart. Know that. On this, the fakest of all holidays,
Tha one that you hate the most,
Please know that I (
) you.
Some things I want for Valentine's Day
 Feb 2016
Every colour of dawn
nameless, holding
all my summer rains
in your eyes
every autumn smile
the sacred sound
of winter's snow
on your shoulders
the taste of
spring dewdrops
on your skin
every storm
held within
the hottest sun
in your touch
the strongest wind
the softest breeze
in your voice
Every moon
blade of grass
rises and grows
in the infinite
your presence
I drink from you
nectar of this life
my thirst
never slaked
and I love how
you hold your cup
for me
 Feb 2016
Keith Edward Baucum
I just love how people lie on you just to throw mud on your name.
 Feb 2016
Keith Edward Baucum
Imagine making love amongst the stars
with the Milky Way for our bed while the galaxy watch.
As the planets orbits around us our ****** would be like that of a supernova creating our own constellation.
Interstellar lovers traveling the cosmos on a cloud of star dust.
With the rings of Saturn I thee wed making you the queen of my universe

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
 Feb 2016
Keith Edward Baucum
Greed the **** of Lust stands before her with an outstretched hand and ask "Where is my Currency?"  
Lust reached into her pocket and gave Greed the gold bills.  "Greed you act like you don't trust me" said Lust.  
"Lust you are my wife and the ***** who I ****.  We are a couple that were wedded in darkness.  Trust you?  I do but not a hundred percent.  I'm all about wealth and power and you're attracted to wealth and power.  You're going to be taking a shower in wealth and power" said Greed.  "I'm going to see to it that you keep your word Greed.  We may have been wedded in darkness but we are still husband and wife.  You're great with currency and I see your willingness to obtain your goals.  You promised to put power in my hands and lay riches at my feet.  Remember that" said Lust.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum.
wet logs strew the beach
you walk alone through the rain
pebbles clattering
stepping over the bull kelp
and skirting the roilng surf
the sky turns an iron grey
and mist seeps down through the wood
but inside you feel a glow
that gives you warmth and comfort
my love within you
my love will endure
tho time has withered and died
i shall be with you
and you will feel me calling
come away with me my love
beyond the deep dark endless
and its wild spiraling stars
come into my love's embrace
look into my shining eyes
and i will look into yours
now and forever
my childhood abuse
i wish i could remember
to forget it all
I do not wish to forget my whole childhood, just the nasty bits.
 Feb 2016
Aztec Warrior

"How long shall they **** our prophets as we stand aside and look?”    
             ‑‑ Bob Marley

Saturday morning,
the scene's the same
round and round
suds and foam,
round and round
energetic flashes of life
play, giggle and roam.
"Can I have a quarter
to play video games?
Hey mom, can I get a
soda and some chips?"
It's always bedlam,
even at 3 am,
always the same
neighborhood faces
some smiling, others
wrinkled like
clothes with a stain problem.
Clothes and lives
sharing destinies.
***** clothes, old and worn,
*****, hard driven lives.
Both, beat and torn,
both trying to get clean
fresh from this
bone weariness
reflected like patched knees,
lost buttons,
mismatched  sox
or  those brown  streaked ******,  
reflecting our brown stained lives.
Round and round go the clothes.
Round and round so goes our lives
that no matter what we do
seems always in need of mending.
Round and round
women, kids
and clothes in tow.
Men, if  there,
in the background,
but always  fighting for control.
Sometimes though the  juke wails
joyful music prevails
causing feet to tap
and lips to smile.
Maybe some Miles
or hip hop Coup
announce a new rinse cycle.
Some young'un dropped the  coin
but you can see
all are keeping time
with  these way out songs.
Finally,  eyes  reveal hidden,
no more suppressed,
clothes  are folded musically.
The kid knows his tunes,
out jumps a "classic";
"Redemption Songs".
Marley at his best
conscious style, a request.
"Won't you help me  sing
these  songs of freedom.
Redemption songs.
They're all I ever had
redemption songs."
You can see it in
lint filled air swirling,
eyes  gleaming,
kids screaming;
you can taste the hope
and dreams.
A  joyous hunger
of patched  jeans,
men and women sway
in unison. For 3 minutes, 25 seconds,
on this very early morn,
the possibilities of relations
rinsed  clean
of men and women
folding clothes
smelling fresh,
wishing for a better way.
It is only a glimpse
this Saturday morning.
A round and round
that holds promise
as old, worn clothes
and leave refreshed,
On this morn
a few eyes, alert
leave singing;
"Redemption songs,
they're  all  I ever  had,
these  songs  of  freedom."

~~redzone 5.22.99~~
(posted by Aztec Warrior writing as redzone)
This is a poem I wrote a while ago. I thought it was a different kind of Valentine's Day card. I hope you enjoy. The music is Bob Marley's "Redemption Songs"
 Feb 2016
Walter W Hoelbling
among the tall slenderness
of poplars framing my view
the poised spire on the home
of the Sisters of the Holy Cross
looks tiny
in its striving heavenward

I do not know
that poplars think of God
   when they grow towards the sun
   and every year bring forth new leaves
   brave storm and droughts

I do not know if the nuns are much concerned
about their spire’s minor reach
their rules are as clear
   as their evening songs
   floating across the garden
   on moonlit winter evenings
their dedication is to care
   and heal some of the human suffering
   with love and prayer
or with magnetic resonance
   in more contemporary ways

the poplars grow
   and annually sprout new life

the nuns preserve
   the frailty of human bodies
   for after life

* *
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