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 Feb 2016
When I read about the brachial plexus,
a spaghetti junction of nerves webbed
behind the clavicle, I am d  i  s  t  a  n  t
half awake and dreaming about lovers
caught up in the mystics of medulla,
gingerly pinching the tendons and
sinewy muscle--

I consider the thick arteries (perhaps not
so thick) (not like other trunks, cords and
red threads) and how easily I could die,
how swollen 'tunnels' and blocked interstate
highways seem not so far fetched according to
medical terminology and the number of things
that could go wrong ( will ) as Murphy warned.

yet here I am, alive and well, a celestial giant
housing stars and all a manner of great, lumbering
structures, pith, and blood.
(c) Brooke Otto 2016

inspired by the Adventures in Human Being by Gavin Francis. A book I highly recommend, especially to you, cd.
 Feb 2016
Pride doesn't matter
Fear of failure
If you love something
There is only one thing you can do

Keep on loving

Sort of like the days last cigarette
Its not something I need
I know it's killing me
But I'll enjoy it until its gone

If you love something
You'll love something
Until the very end
When the end is not in sight
 Feb 2016
The sage will win hearts with wisdom,
The king will win hearts with justice,
Youth wins a lover's heart with persistence
Keeping still binds joy to the earth
So it doesn't get lost in excess
For it is the bound joy,
Not the untethered ecstasy,
Which works the magic of influence and attraction.
 Feb 2016
James M Vines
A set of stairs made of uncut stone. Creaky boards on an old front porch. Cane polls hanging on the wall. Waiting for me to come along. The smell of biscuits cooking in the stove. Old fashioned music playing of a record player. An old man whittling on the back porch in a rocking chair. Hunting dogs barking at a rabbit in freshly plowed fields. Happy is how these things make me feel. Fondly remembering my grandparents farm. The simplicity of life and weather worn charm. Though the work could be hard, it had to be done. Chores before fishing and a lot of fun. All of these things take me back, my childhood memories of what my past was like.
she shines with beauty
like sunlight through beveled glass
igniting my heart
 Feb 2016
phil roberts
My friends abroad think I'm peculiarly English
My English friends think I'm peculiarly northern
My northern friends just think I'm peculiar
But at least I've got friends

                                                     By Phil Roberts
 Feb 2016
darling daughter, dad has left us
he says he won't be coming back
it's not your fault or burden, dear
a spell has made him lose his track

my dear mother,
the pain lacerates my heart
his leftover ***** rips my soul
and forever empties my heart of love

love is a concept
a figment of imagination
but does it truly exist
when i am here?

my heart's tearing too, my sweet
but i'd nimbly endure its double
if i could shield you from its cause
to spare you all grief's trouble

let's not give up on love, my girl
these aching holes in us are proof
we're made to seek its filling warmth
and to nest beneath its sheltering roof

your daddy's soul is broken too
like a well that's leaked all its water
plagued with a thirst he can't ignore
and demons he's out to slaughter

but mother,

is it so when
our hearts are ripped
from every corner of our soul,
we turn into unforseen beasts?

the pain seeps
into me like
some sort of poison
i can't control

my walls are broken
how can i ever mend
against a resistance
intent on pursuit of troubles

you weep with the spirit of asaph
who lamented in psalm seventy-three
of emerging a beast in his grieving
embittered by frail men's iniquity

he learned that the path to his healing
was sufficiently wrapped in God's love
that when all on the earth had failed him
perfection reached down from above

the spirits of lost winds
plague him
as he's filled and perforated
with fury

i've pleaded with his spirits
but they've forsaken him
continuously receded
and left his body

he shook hands
with the innermost depths
of his cold heart
and can't be freed

so maybe his leaving us is his love
to protect us from his deep torment
i know it's not right, but in his own way
feeling without him we'd be more content

i pray he'll find solace in God's grace
and the power that sets free a captive
for there's nothing of mortal persuasion
to redeem fallen souls unadaptive

if not for Christ's paschal atonement
no man could escape hellish rage
and except for His Spirit's blowing
we'd all be locked up in death's cage

no man has encountered more fury
than this One who was torn for us
marred beyond human recognition
to bear sin and shame on the cross*

i guess, mother
it's now time to leave
who he was
to what he has become

the path has been
divided into two
as if it were separate worlds
but the hell is all but subsided

Here is my long awaited poem project with the absolutely amazing alyssa :) she is such an amazing person and allowed for me to come out of my comfort zone to write this :) i am beyond proud of this piece :)
 Feb 2016
john p green
The polarity between the joyous nature that I've fervently longed to touch and the crushing anguish that blocks all bliss is much too great and hollow as such.

The task of vanguishing the monster ***** is ultimately not a haughty switch but rather a soul *******, yet worthy gap to take with this harsh adversary.

Due to the observations that matters are never easy or subtle affairs Ah! But the **** and sweet benefits of this needed liberation thats hit.

Because, while the feeling, much further can't be pinpointed on scales of emotions it most definitely leans in favor of refreshing happiness which functions.

Very few of life's joys and treats that  money, health, renown can top the relief of shimmering hope- I'm in disbelief! It can be compared to a young bird's home.
 Feb 2016


F R I E N D S!!


We have no way of knowing if your
posting is REAL or METAPHOR.
Even if it's a metaphor to your
end as a POET we care.


♡ Catherine
Please see my last repost!
Note it may be metaphorical.
The "birthdate" could be when she
started WRITING. But Nicole Dawn's attempt should be a lesson to all of us!

And REPOST hers and mine!
 Feb 2016
Chloe Zafonte
If it's anything that bothers me it's that, everyone is so hurt and damaged because no one knows the meaning of kindness anymore.
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