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she wore a dress of silk that day
a coral comb set in her hair
to dress her curls a dark array
all black as night, as cold as air.

a sweet seductress so beware!
no man could ever win her charms
her beauty was a vision fair
a hellish haunt that death disarms.

she walked towards her lover's house
her soul was calling out to him
as quiet as a timid mouse
her pounding heart all silent sin.

for he was flesh and he was bone
and she a ghost, a cold temptress
and in her hair she wore a comb
to match the silk of her blue dress.

so how could any man resist
her ghostly spirit, cold as night
as if the very moon that kissed
the soulful sky that shone so bright

was hunting, searching night for him
her lover waited, knew her near
her ruby lips, the lanterns dim
in distant dreams she would appear.

she wore a dress of silk that day
a coral comb set in her hair
how could she so her love betray?
i'll tell the tale and climb the stair...

the moon a phantom all despair
he shook and then a deathly cry
she cut his throat, this vision fair
and flew from him across the sky.

they buried him beneath a tree
his life that languished at her hand
and now i'll end this fantasy
of ghoulish love in spirit land!

beware the witch, beware the knell
where ghosts do flaunt the midnight cold
for devil's pave the way to hell
and steal the souls that darkness sold.
a little fun for halloween/bonfire night!
 Nov 3
I've stopped trying now
I've stopped flapping my arms and legs
and suddenly, I stop drowning

suddenly, I'm a leaf
being carried afloat to the shore
 Nov 3
CA Guilfoyle
Tree, I have come to shelter and with the rain to weep
I am soaked, barefoot with mud running through
soft the moss, cool and cold
to soothe my heart that bleeds.
Our waxing nights of love and moons
now fallow, a field that burns
****** our hollow bed
of haunting, silent screams
too soon the fiery devil
too far my lover
the spring.
winter fed us with blood-red berries and ice clouds,
our visible breath soon colder than our lips.
i did not want to see what you had seen,
could not grow out of those sad, sad eyes.
we fell into the calm wave of circumstance
and twilight hurried from us into the dark.
hurried away like the last drop of sunlight
purples the earth, dancing on the edge of the world.
do we wait, stone-heavy, for the last tendrils
of day to melt like ice?
the fearful cold breathes like a fog,
gathers its stars of voice and hill,
gathers memories and distant dreams,
lets us forget.
are you the ghost that lies on the hill
calling to me?
are you that ghost,
whose irons soften like cloud,
whose frozen leaf trembles on the branch
waiting to fall to the whispering land?
your eyes are from the past and yet
they follow like a cold wind blasts.
your eyes, everywhere your sad eyes,
biting like a frost.
 Nov 1
guy scutellaro
I was in my rocking chair
and I asked my son,

"open a can of beer for me,"
and my son said...."sure

"the bar was open,
then sometimes open, wait

where was I going with this,

any way, my mind wanders,...oh yeah,
nothing is free

and Son, humanity is doomed,
trust no one,
especially neighbors
who fly the flag

and when you're dead,
you're gonna be dead,
for ah long,
long, time.

so have fun when ever
and where ever you can,

get me another beer, will you?

and keep clear of moonlight,
and walks along the boardwalk,
and women with eyes
as blue as the ocean,
women who smell like wildflowers
scattered around a mountain pass

they become the snowflakes falling in summer

ah, well, anyway

trust the woman who knows
your heart,

pure of heart,

a lover to hold you close,
the candle flame touching the wick

of the candle and son

grab me another...".
 Nov 1
Druzzayne Rika
Must be so simple to express
there is simply no reason to distress
More comes close to being less
Less becomes more as I say it
It comes out as with how I breathe
the gardens will bloom the same.

how is the reality inside your mind
are you surprised with what you find
sweeten the sourness if you get bitten inside
It is exactly where we live whole time
Why is it filled up with so much grime
Are we really exactly who we claim.

To pluck the courage, it is the right stage
no matter who comes, who encourage
anything happens, no reason to rage
It's natural that we leave the world
the rhythm keeps up even without a girl
Without ego, we are part of this chain.
Healing your mind and soul requires personal distance
from a world that does not provide the nutrient of peace
Sit quietly by the waterfall and entrench yourself in it
take the journey of self, allow your  thoughts to blossom
beneath God's parapet, lies the resurgence of still life

Healing your body is an aftermath of wholesome assembly
drink from the waters of obsolete and be that empty vessel
that holds space with everything and everyone, ...
Do not move nor speak, just breathe and be immortal  
inside this magic hour you will find,  the breath of life

Extinguish the embers of your burning fire, take time
to sift through your feelings,  allow them to take flight
Permit the dusk to settle and allow the dawn to rise
for they were both created for tomorrows afterglow
heal your mind, soul & body, remain in the flow..
 Oct 30
Arif Hifzioglu
Once, stood I
by this sleepy sunset sea.
His sour gaze gone,
the sun;
eventually on his knee,
in mellow mutiny
upon molten melancholy.

Calmly, buoyed he
her creamy dreamy canopy
in colored, cuddled company
on the momentary brink
of honey coated eternity.

         the ***** of Rán
his flames of mead swam;
         Kvasir's mythical lore,
         dripping the mead of yore
o'er her pewter poverty
mulling the briny sore
of this late afternoon sea
from divine a golden door.

Thus, poetry laden
this marine a maiden,
now merry and awaken,
mulled with love molten,
sprawled into eternity,
in resplendent mutiny,
haunting and holden
with heavenly honey…
Rán is a mythological Norse goddess, whom I alluded to with deference when I had to close in on the intimacy between fire and water in the poem. Though not related to the depicted serene panorama in the poem, she has nine daughters, who personify waves. Hence, the phenomenon of the 'ninth wave', I guess.
Kvasir, on the other hand, was born of the saliva of the two warring families of Old Norse Gods, Æsir and the Vanir. When the war eventually ended, Gods from both lineage chewed berries and spat out the mush into a cask. This is how god Kvasir was created in the tale 'Mead of Poetry'.
Being the wisest one in Midgard, extraordinarily perceptive, sophisticated and poetic, he traveled far and wide, learning evermore and spreading his art. As fate would have it, his itchy feet brought him to the two murderous dwarfs Fjalar and Galar, who killed him afor his divine blood. Then, the notorious duo mixed it with honey, thus creating the Mead of Poetry.
Odin eventually redeemed Kvasir's legacy, the Mead of Poetry, after long a journey through testing tribulations. Since then, it is believed that Odin shares part of this drink with the very privileged human beings, bestowing upon them the divine ability, poetry.
Etymologically, Norwegian 'kvase' and Russian 'kvas', both mean 'fermented berry juice'.
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