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 May 2017
Sally A Bayan
Long before
orange-purple-pink-bluish shades vanish,
......before light evens out upon us,
before billows of clouds scatter and
fill the magnificent powder blue skies,
...fields...and other workplaces, are
already humming with activities.
air drowns with a stream of sounds,
human, and otherwise.......voices,
...teaspoons against cups, mixing
a dark waking brew...rushing footfalls,
instructions given..revving up tractor motors,
chairs, tables moving...computers starting,
comes  coffee breaks...and day's end
then...we go home to whoever, whatever
meets us at our doorstep...whether
our life is a bed of roses, or a bed of thorns
...or, something in between....or a mix...
minor, major changes occur here, there,
everywhere...every second, every minute...
some seasons, dragonflies overpopulate,
wasps and honey bees swarm for their own
different reasons...flower buds turn to blooms,
various birds build nests based on their needs,
cocoons hang silence....yet,
when time is right, new butterflies unwrap
....................and emerge...
each day consists of old and new patterns
that lead to magical, new beginnings...
new discoveries,often called miracles,
...they happen while we are sleeping
...............when no one is looking
........or, even when we are awake,
.....but, just too busy to notice...
from a nearby...or distant river
a sea breeze blows, and cools,
brushes..and touches... then tiptoes,
prancing upon other running currents,
acknowledging...emphatically reminding
that blessings from God are ever flowing
every breath taken, is a miracle...occurring
....while we are awake...or sleeping
whether or not, someone is looking...


Copyright May 21, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 May 2017
In the subtlety of change
Slowly evolving beyond
Those Old Wives Fables
And Big Bangs of god's

In a constant deception
Bringing on the clowns
Clad in white washed
Tie died hippy gowns

Feeding us in withering
Free fall through space

Bound to our legacy
   To be erased...

There shall still
Be you and me
Within the ashes
Of entropy
Traveler Tim
Hope needs no prompting
As the end grows near
Open your mind
Beyond your fears!
 May 2017
Ann Beaver
Tangled web
Weave stronger somehow
Biting the bullet
Kills you anyway

Full spectrum color -
A tangled web

Razor sharp electricity of eyes
Gaze through me
I want to evaporate
I want to linger a little
Spider approaching
 May 2017
Alex McQuate
I stare,
The outsider looking in.

******* comment,
Or a practiced defence?

Cigarette slowly shrinking,
Ember glowing bright.

Out of options,
Out of time.

Walls closing in,
Creeping like vines.

Shotglass is full,
unlike the bottle.
 May 2017
Lora Lee
This house
slowly unraveling
peeling off in layers
            like citrus of sectioned
      squeezed out of bounds
                            my heart
                    all caught up
in rooms, furniture
f l y In g
no longer rooted
by familial gravity
My veins wrapped
in long strands of
              live wires
hugging each item tight
                 as if to unlock
       the memories that
scintillate within
and I
      radiate my  
            feelings of forever
to somehow imprint them
before they
whirl and swirl off
into the universe
Snippets of our lives
in angled slices
of colored mirror
a look
    a smile
       a glint in the eye
children laughing
               a garden surprise
               crazy kitchen singing
                      first solids and a bib
              first little sweet dance
      beatific smile from the crib
the bedroom for cuddles
little bugs wrapped in blankets,
so close and so dear
flanked by both of us,
guardians of light,
keeping out fears
Once, we claimed private time
velvet kisses down
trails of skin
hot lusted shadows
gently sliding within
This is how love corrupts
         how old batteries explode
            burning rust that erupts
                        as I break out
            from the mold
Now your words hit my skin
in bad chemical reaction
knives and arrows of rupture
as my bone marrow
                       gets fractured
Insides are spilling out
guts all over the floor
all this chaos created
as I split
              the door
 May 2017
Some of the best words of art
come from the most
bruised and battered
of hearts.
 May 2017
Star BG
Old age,
is a blessings, a gift
the rite of passage
before moving cross bridge
to return home.

Old age is to be celebrated,
honored by young,
and appreciated by family members.

so what
if one moves slower,
does less in day, or
can't remember.

Sacred, is the older population  
that we ALL can learn from.
Learn to be humble, open to compassion
slow down,
and move in gratitude for morning light.

Glass I raise,
as I bow down to those born before me.
Move with awe to open ears for stories they tell.
And dance to morning birds song to celebrate my own birthday,
as I welcome in another number to embrace social security.
I just came back from visiting my 90 year old in an assisted memory ward home. I also just celebrated my birthday. (65) I felt humbled and honored to be with my mom and friends.
 May 2017
clandestine couples
clamerous cosmetics
coughing guffaws
garrulous giggles
gratefully grinning

grotesque charlatans...

torrid transgressions
tornado turnabout
tempestuous tradition
transcendent puberty
punishing parable


wove both into
his weft of


(C) 5/12/2017
Great comedy has an element
of tragedy... vice versa
 May 2017
he sees one on the branch of his oak,
the other on his picket fence

eight decades he's heard names
of these creatures

one that makes sad songs (though not
a song bird...)

the other known by its color
(not red robin...)

he opens the door and walks
toward them

as if removing distance will erase years
which purloined their names

they fly off, so many eons ahead of his species
which now lives long enough to forget its past

a breed of ape which worships words, and
dreads the loss of them

the mourning dove and cardinal need no
symbols to know to flee this beast

the mere sight of him evokes the
wisdom of the ages in them

wings flap, currents abide, they glide to
another spot to roost

while the old man curses himself for
unknowing their names--cursing and cursed
it seems, are not part of what is forgotten
 May 2017
no small talk
wit nor regret wrought

just simply

(C) 5/12/2017
 May 2017
Autumn Rose
Sing my restless heart
in a poem of wild roses
that bloom in the morning sky.
One verse for love
One verse for grief
One verse for lament

Paint the ageless beauty
of my face on your canvas of
ice and snow.
One color for my hair
One color for my lips
One color for my eyes

Play my melancholy soul
into a symphony on a vintage piano.
One note for yearning
One note for hope
One note for freedom

... Life imitates Art ...
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