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 Oct 2017
Amy H
Mike Hauser had a brilliant idea to “Pass the pen” and see where it got us.  This, Friends, is the result.

I write of the stars
I write of the moon
I write of the things
That I love to do
I write of the lies
While telling the truth
And when I am through
I pass the pen to you

I read the things
that went before
and add my thoughts
for you to write more
of things we love
and things we hate
so here's the pen,
now contemplate!

I wait like a kid
the anticipation
breaks my quiet
like a train in station
with thoughts
pouring out
like the traveling weary
so here's the pen
"now what's my hurry?"

While looking at this
And studying that
As our poetic peruse
Comes up to bat
With much more in store
From the writer's’ knack
I jot down my last line
Then pass the pen back

and now it get's fun
with my lines and yours
at least it keeps me
from doing my chores!
fingers be nimble
brain be quick
I finished this part
now here's the Bic.

With words tattered and torn
I have you here to mend
Don’t know where I’m going
Brain lights on dim
With little or no warning
Here it comes again
All on a whim
I hand you the pen

*so who will care
if we make no sense
“these poets here
must have the bends!”
but all the same
we’ve had our yen
it was a good run
let's retire the pen
Thanks Mike!  That was fun.  Now maybe some of you can grab a buddy and see what happens.  To put this in context, all the stanzas went round in under an hour.  A dizzying frenzy.
 Jan 2017
Rustle McBride
Rise!* Oh, Mighty Jupiter;
Our Father now forgotten.
Come claim your rightful reverence.
Your pagan pedigree misgotten.

You were once our Shining Father;
Great King of all the Sky.
But you allowed your world to set
so a new Son could arise.

Zeus once ruled before you, and
Jesus became your heir.
Today not many realize
how we got from here to there.

I have considered for some moments
how our thoughts of god do change.
Plural notions of so long ago,
today can seem so strange.

We like to think we've come so far,
since those pagan days of yore.
Have we abandoned superstition
or just embraced it even more?

It was millennia ago
that Zeus ruled Mount Olympus.
He, their leader, more than father,
often beaten by hubris.

The Greeks, they worshiped leaders,
seeking standing in this forum.
Such desires, democratic
became their gods that ruled before them.

As the centuries moved on,
your new Latin home was Roma.
Your title too, transformed
to reflect a new persona.

To Zeus we added "Father",
or in Latin, pater, we prefer.
So Zeus, becomes Zeus-pater,
Zupater, then Jupiter.

Our names for gods reveal
exactly how they fill our needs.
Over time our needs evolve
and so a new name supersedes.

As Rome aged, it developed  
a need to know god as a man.
To be one of his number.
To see themselves as of his clan.

This zeus, he can be talked to,
can be greeted and be known.
They "Hail Zeus" as HeyZeus.
And now its Jesus on the Throne.

Through such inquests we can see
the needs Gods fill evolving,
from cold, covetous Kings
to a begotten Son absolving.

We imagine in the Heavens
things to help us understand,
how a universe so endless
can be the realm alone of man.
on the evolving nature of God
what does the Holy See
say about it?

Nothing I could put into print,
them priest ain't skint
when it comes to verbal badinage
what with them being
au fait with bad language today,

when you mock
their reply is
'put a sock in it'

They only swear on the bible
according to a reliable source
in the Vatican,
but then again
are liable to lie.

ps: Vespers ain't scooters either
 Jan 2017
Mike Hauser
I hear love's building a casino
Taking bets on itself
A few chips laid on red, the others on black
Love is set to take the house

With a quick turn of the cards
And a swift toss of the dice
Open 24/7 with inside betting
There's nothing about love that you won't like

Love will soon be making millions
Turning hands over fists
Second to none a hundred to one
It's time we all placed our bets
 Jun 2016
Mitch Nihilist
I'm tired of the past,
the decisions I made,
tenfold I've expressed
displeasure of every action,
but every fraction of pleading
is never enough to rid
minds of tattered bedsheets,
or the hues that make up
the painting I've been
trying to erase,
but these colours dont run,
and there's ink coloured umbrage
in these veins and it flows
at piqued destinations,
sitting behind eyes
that see to well,
today, I know will
eventually become the past,
but I've been trying to
drag the pigment
of yesterday into something
tomorrow won't look back on,
and tow a sodden eraser
over wet ink,
I can promise that
I've changed and
no where in the book
written by regret
does it say
that anyone will believe me,
and I'm beginning
to accept that,
everyday I have to stare
at intangible scars left
by blades tipped
with foretimes
and the ringing of
these wind chimes are becoming
white and I'm getting tired,
it's putting me to sleep
and I've given up on
counting sheep because
the breeze of attempting to
forget my past is soothing enough,
these colours dont run,
and I wonder if tomorrow
I'll wake up in colorant sheets.
 Sep 2015
Willard Wells
We have war
and much death.
What is being
taken in a battle.
Means little.

How did we
get to this point.
Or maybe why
have we not grown
beyond this level.

More people
yearly come
out of poverty.
But why is anyone
really in poverty.

I cannot believe
with all that the have, have,
that the have nots
cannot be brought,
to the point of having??

Food would be nice,
and some water too.
And to not be killed
over a piece
of dirt.

But there we have
the root of it all
when you have
you want more,
at the cost of human life!

More social commentary today and with sadness of those killed on their journey to Mecca. RIP
 Sep 2015
Joe Cole
Take a look around you
And tell me what you see
Another day of turmoil
Or a day to set you free

Take a look around you
At what this earth has got to give
At what it has to offer
So that you and I can live

Take a look around you
And decide which path to choose
Only you can make the choice
If you win or if you lose

Take a look around you
At this green and pleasant land
But will it still be here for our kids
When we are not around

Take a look around you
At the destruction man can cause
When he subjects our fair lands
To industrial applause

Take a look around you
And think what you could achieve
If you truly cared for this fair land
If you had the courage to believe

Take a look around you
Let's save what we've got left
Of a land once so full of beauty
**Don't condemn this land to death

— The End —