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 Jul 2016
Rainey Birthwright
I see an angel slouching,
In the sky, as if heaven
Were so heavy.

Seabird, where do you come
From?  Is the earth too much,
To take all in?

I know how you feel sailing,
Above it all yet drawn too,
As I am drawn.

Wraith, I want to feel that place
You are winging from here,
As now, forgetting.

  But it's so hard to fly,
  Unlike you, just easily,
  I will close my blind eyes
  And trail your mission starry.

I will tread in air backwards,
Deep into sky heavens,
Sloughing all the way.
 Jul 2016
Poetry Fanatic
If you choose to fall in love,
fall in love with a writer.
But know you will live in the pages
of a poem, linger in the words
of a song, be engraved
in the ink of a plot,
twisting your fate and heart
into a tempestuous knot.
If you choose to fall in love,
fall in love with a writer.
Who will hand you
the world, drawn and painted
in the metaphors of a troubled mind
where nothing is simple, not even a line.
If you choose to fall in love,
fall in love with a writer-
your life will never be the same.
They'll weave stories of yesterday,
in the webs if your hair,
breathe the sky of morning,
and lure you to their lair.
So if you choose to fall in love,
fall in love with a writer.
One who truer will never be;
fall in love with a writer....
with a writer like me.
 Jul 2016
When I sleep
a wind blows
over strange lands
I don't know
and I feel like a lamp
a stranger is holding up
looking for a way
through a dark field
I will walk through.
 Jul 2016
Poetry Fanatic
I'd rather have bad times with you,
Than good times with anyone else.
I'd rather be with you in a storm,
Than safe and warm by myself.
I'd rather have hard times together,
Than to have it easy apart.
Above all,
I'd rather have the one who holds...
My heart.
 Jul 2016
Poetry Fanatic
Dont be afraid of the night, it's the best...
Lay your head down and rest,
my sweet darling.

Close your eyes and open your mind,
You'll be amazed at what you'll find.
Drift further and further into serenity,
Let lack of fear permeate your lucid state.

Go ahead into the darkness,
Nothing will get you...
Because after all,
You're sophisticated and poised,
And rule them all.

Each beast of burden,
And monster of imagination.
All the ferocious beasts of the night,
Bow before you.

Rule the night.
Conceal the light,
For your reign has no end in sight.

Fear not the dark,
Your beasts will leave a mark.

So my dear I shalt say,
Night night sleep tight and...
Watch out for the monsters bite.
 Jul 2016
Poetry Fanatic
When I say I love you more,
I don't mean I love you more than you love me.
I mean I love you more than the bad days ahead of us,
I love you more than any fight we'll ever have.
I love you more than the distance between us,
I love you more than any obstacle that can try to come between us.
I love you most.
 Jul 2016
Poetry Fanatic
A stolen kiss on my part,
a kiss returned on yours.
Stolen moments,
stolen time.
Time that we should've been working,
Time instead spent living.
A gaze apon you set my soul ablaze.
Distracted by your poise, your grace.
Your lips apon mine,
lingeringon my mind.
Another kiss was what I desired,
but if they found out...
All would be lost.
But life to fragile, to unpredictable.
We have to live and learn,
and learn to live.
Passion will set you free,
so live in the moment.
Time will always pass,
but need let it slip away.
If your story ended tonight,
Would you be happy with its ending?
 Jul 2016
Poetry Fanatic
She conquered her demons,
               and wore her scars like...
We all get burned down sometimes.
But the next step is a choice.
Do you let your ashes blow away?
Or do you rise from the ashes like a
The choice is yours so,
Choose wisely.
The first 3 lines are a quote by Atticus.
 Jul 2016
Poetry Fanatic
You said to me;
                            I'm here.

                           I love you.

                          I don't care
                If you need to stay up
          crying all night long, I will stay
        with you. There's nothing you can
     ever do to loose my love. I will protect
    you until you die, and after your death
      I will still protect you. I am stronger
           than depression and braver
                      than loneliness.

                     And nothing will

                     ever exhaust me.
But you lied to me.
                  You were with her.

                 I thought I loved you.

                    You never cared.
             You kept me up all night,
   making me cry, yet you weren't here.
I couldn't lose your love, because I never
   had it. You killed me. My spirit, my
         passion. You killed me. Made
             me depressed and lonely.
                    I chose to rise up.
                    Because nothing
                 will ever exhaust me.

        Fool someone else with your lies.
       For I am a Phoenix and I shall rise.
  Rise from my ashes and show my beauty.
                          I am free.
 Jul 2016
I'm broken,
like every poet is,
with words falling out
of a broken heart.
 Jul 2016
We are writing our history
Someone's trying to destroy
Whatever we write
You loved her more than once in book
Im still here trying to write
every form of literary piece
to make you love me.
You werent for me, I guess.
 Jul 2016
I once held stars in my lungs but I burnt them all out with cigarettes
as I tried to rid your name from my lips

I had the moon on the tip of my tongue when I whispered love in twilight affection
But that **** tided heart of yours shifted again and now all that hangs in my mouth are evasive words and the sickening taste of the seas' breeze.

That garden you grew in my stomach died when your sunlight no longer reached my skin
The butterflies you gave me shriveled with it.

The ***** I choke down doesn't rid me of those memories
Every night I spent with you was a threat to abandon my morals;
Go back on your word and cut the sky from my veins.
You kissed every cloud from my wrist to my sundered ankles.

You once traced constellations on my chest and with a single breath they shown brighter
They too burnt out when your words were no longer for me and I hurt even a little more

The ones etched in my swallowed pulse cried as they spiraled from our little piece of the galaxy
I watched them go lonely and lost when they traveled south into my pity-shaken excuse of a soul.

When I smiled and you'd look away.
It haunted me until I stopped sleeping
It was at that moment I had realized I fell for you like Icarus had the sun.

You burnt me and I melted until there was nothing left.
I was reckless with pride as you fed me slanted promises
I'll put good use to the knife you left in my spine

My throat burns more with every drink,
This liquor can't rinse my soul the way I'd like you to
But I'd rather remember you as my favorite sorrow than the love who left this fruitless heart.
I'm depressed again.
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