I paint, including the profile picture; make leisurely use of many musical instruments, and I write poems and stories. I don't censor myself in my …
I'm taking an art journaling class for "for grown ups" and enjoying putting drawings, photos, painting with my poetry. It's cathartic and relaxing to come …
Florida; Italy
Giuseppi Buonaiuto is a former commissioned officer and veteran; employed later by one of the more obscure government clandestine services. He holds numerous graduate degrees …
In my head, It's safe
Once again dying slowly.........and all because I let people in.....Thanks for the advice world.....I hope you have a spot in Hell ready for me....Cause I'm …
All writing material are the intellectual property and copyright of myself, David Ehrgott. contact me for permission to use or print/reprint. Like me on Facebook …
Pacific NW
poetry... it's in my blood; and when impassioned most, i bleed... easily! mostly i write to and of, they who offer this heart safe harbor. …
25/M/Arlington, Tx
King Living Alongside Saints & Heathens. Im just letting my mind and soul grow and glow. Show some love "like" and "share" Thank you! Twitter: …