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 Aug 2016
Pauline Morris
When we found each other I thought my life had changed
Only to find out later my life is still the same

No love, no light
No guidance out of the night
Still at the bottom of the hole
So I had to make you go

You didn't fix my broken heart
You just scattered the parts

I once thought you could bring some life, to this corpse mine
But as the time went by, all I could find
Was agony of the longing
You let me know in your arms I wasn't belonging

I feel in love with the sexually bliss
But afterwards I was always dismissed
No warm cuddles
No happy snuggles

Just a cold shoulder
As you rolled over
No kiss good bye
In the morning out the door you would fly

I'm not much
But I have a hunch
I deserve more
Than to be hurt to the core

You left me in a place I deplore
Once again left beating on loves door
 Aug 2016
Pauline Morris
I'm left upon this table bleeding out
For all of my emotions, I find no need to shout
They are pooling all around me
Like the oceans and the sea
You'll no longer have to worry
About what kind of mood I'm in
This well be my final sin
Just know I always loved you
Even though at times I do what I do
Sometimes I just got carried away
I hope you can forgive me anyway
You where my only true friend in this pitiful play
It took to long to find you, my life always in disarray
Please forgive me, that I choose to go out this way
But there's this price I have to pay
 Aug 2016
Alex's Pipe Dreams
Cupid pierces your unguarded chest
With a beautiful, poisoned arrow
And so you think you’re in love
But then the potion wears off
And you’re bleeding out
Of that open wound
Left unattended
That you call
A broken
 Aug 2016
Your stare was wicked
You looked at me like I could be desert
I could feel all of your senses surrounding me
Your entire body craved me
I could feel it.

I thought your hands could heal
You twisted them together in a way that made me think you were a magician
Your stare was wicked
I thought you could see through me, you made me feel like delicate glass in your hands.
Vulnerable, exposed, so trusting
You threw me to the cement and I shattered

A billion pieces, you watched and waited
I laid and desecrated.
Melting into the earth under the sun
Like glass on a beach.
Stepped over and buried by progression.

And you moved on.
 Jul 2016
I told the love of my life
That I was pregnant with his child
But lost it
And he said 'oh really?'
And just continued on
His world, un-shattered

I lost the love of my life
I thought that he loved me back
But he didn't
And honestly I couldn't be happier
This time, I've continued on
My world, un-shattered
I don't know that words can describe the pain that shattered my soul with he didn't even bat an eye at my miscarriage. However, I know that I don't ever want to understand how his ******* twisted mind works anyway. Anyone that can look his 'all of it' in the eye and say 'you never even had a miscarriage' deserves a life full of the pain that phrase and loss will cause me for the rest of my life.
 Jul 2016
*Because when I do,
I always end up with thoughts of you
Because when I do,
I always end up writing about you

And you see,
My words will be tinted with you
You will see a hint of you in every story
Every stanza will be inspired by you

You see,
I'll end up writing about you
That's why I don't want to write anymore
I'll just end up missing you
I'll just end up thinking what we could have been

I don't want to write anymore,
Each line is heartbreaking
Every word is killing me
Because it was all for you

I don't want to write anymore,
I just miss you so bad
That it hurts so much

I don't want to write anymore,
Surely  everything I will write
Will be all for you
And it will mean I can't move on

Remembering how to forget you.
 Jun 2016
Tears drip
Like lead
from the stained glass
behind my eyes
Pooling in hollowed cheeks
Streaking colours
of memories
lost in sepia
Gathering in momentum
Cascading towards
a bittersweet freedom
I have been blind
Clinging to a
Instead of life in
reality ......
Be that as it may
My eyes are
Now open
Released from
their shackles
Feasting on a beauty
otherwise unknown
A better me

(C) Pixievic
I was once blind but now I see ...... bla bla bla!!
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