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 Sep 1
Alexis K
A poet once said:
grief is the overflowing of love.
I didn't believe her then.

But now as I pour my love,
In to your tea cup heart,
It overflows.

Pints... no,
Gallons of my love onto the floor.
It goes unnoticed,
Because your cup is full.

I wish I could give you all my love.
I wish you could accept it.
I wish it didn't hurt to watch it overflow.
I wish above all,
I knew how to stop pouring.
 Sep 1
Alexis K
Three thousand, two hundred.
That's my word count.
But only of my published poems.
That number is so much higher on paper.

Three thousand words to say to you.
I'm tired.

Over three thousand words,
But these are a first.

I've never wanted to **** myself.
But I've never wanted to be alive.
Sometimes I wish I could JUST exist.

If there was a switch, it'd be flipped.
 Sep 1
Alexis K
I've never been addicted
But I keep thinking about it.
Just taking one pill,
it might ease the pain.

All I want is for the pain to go away.
All I want is for my brain to quiet.

I've never been addicted,
But everytime I see an orange bottle,
I wonder what'd happen if I had my way.
Living sober is more of a feat than you think.
 Sep 1
Alexis K
I've never felt alive
I've always just been surviving.
It's harder than yesterday now.
I wish to feel like the living.

I'm too exhausted.
Too exhausted to have hobbies.
To have interests.
To watch TV.
To care.

If I'm not on autopilot, I am a mess.
I'm breaking down, unable to move.
Unable to care about those I love.
That can't be living either.
So I just survive.
It's hard today.

I hope to be alive one day
But hope is fleeting and deceiving.
 Sep 1
Alexis K
I am so exhausted by this feeling.
So tired of being tired.
So tired of feeling helpless.
There's nothing I can do to make it go away.
Nothing to make it pass faster, or to change my mind.

So I sit in this feeling.
With no other option than to let it suffocate me.
I hope I'll come out alive.
 Sep 1
Alexis K
It burns.
It's so cold.
The ice surrounds me.
My arms and legs are swallowed whole.
It feels like fire licking me, perspiration dispersing soaking me.
My lungs are no longer working, spasing in pain.
I need to inhale, but I can't.

I need to.
But I know I cant't.
My ribs are being crushed.
My life is being ****** away from me.
The excruciating pain that is this.
The overwhelming sensation.
I know I am dying.
Slowly, Painfully.

I need to breath.
I inhale deeply, searching for the air.
I am met with ice, more and more icy crystals.
I'm kicking and getting no where, I am trying so hard.
I can hear them calling my name, 'just a little more'
I cant go anymore. Their words are not enough
I can not make it out of this, I cant fight.
I cant fight my demons, impossible
They are drowning me.
I can't get out.
I tried.
 Sep 1
Alexis K
Flowering beauty

Contemplating self worth
Opposite of perfect
Not good enough
Feeling little
Ending up alone
Nearly beautiful
Crying on the inside
Extra ordinary
 Sep 1
Alexis K
I see you.
Writing love lyrics,
Wistful dreamy poems
They are beautiful.

Everytime I read one, I smile.
Because they are beautiful.
I can't produce my own for the darkness controls me.
My words are venom, poison leaking from my veins.
My rhymes are sobbed and not spoken.
My lyrics bring tears to the eyes.

Because it's hard to write what's beautiful.
When the world is so vicious.
I envy the naivete.
 Sep 1
Alexis K
'I won't'
'I shouldnt'
'They'd miss me'

 Sep 1
Alexis K
I would love to write a beautiful piece,
On how death welcomed me.
The reality is I didn't have time.
My feet left the ground,
Wind in my hair,
And for a moment I felt finally free.
Then all that mattered was gravity.

 Sep 1
Alexis K
I don't care anymore.  

I don't care if my body were to eat itself from the inside out.
It would hurt and be terrible for a while.
But I can't imagine it'd hurt worse than living my life like this.
 Sep 1
Alexis K
I'm tired of not being in control.
Of not having choices.
"Everything is a choice!"
Yea, no. If I made the choices,
I'd go to sleep tonight, and never again.

I loathe not being in control.
Not having choices.
My thoughts run themselves, no matter my desire.
How I wish I could stop thinking.
How I wish I could control my emotions.

I wish I was in control of my own body.
 Sep 1
Alexis K
Yesterday a car crash,
But not bad enough.
Today I'm sore and tired,
But not dead.

I'll try harder next time.
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