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 Oct 2021
I don't know why
but lately I think is
it ok to be happy

Cause what I mean when I
say that

Is things tend to happen and
the darkness come clapping
at my door

But one things is sure
life has it's ups and downs

And the reasons why I write this
know is cause I can't let others
be put down
by others who think they wear a crown

This is why I say this, cause I don't want any
one to end up like me
A bird stuck in a cage never to be seen or free
I have had a lot of **** happen to me. But I say to all the kids and people
that still have a choice, ''TAKE THE MOMMENT SO YOU CAN BE HAPPY''
 Oct 2021
I feel like you
Bjjijojdnnv mnjjfnd dmomv omsinmv invinfv isnsivnd
Ksnivdnvk did.  Ifvismovo dmvoa. Fsmvim momzc Jon
Chjvh dnnf djfjsbu) f fhinshhjf. Finins njdmvn
Dvivjsvjo fjvihsnc uhnvjfnnii firmer ejfijrbe hi. Dimf meom
Dciovjr ijvindoc disjunction cirsjrojer jcdoksvojeo
Kncm vknis cdkmvfom. Fidvk bm fjsok gneu igmfufik gjfijnfhd
Difkf jdi kbndh vjnbns uvjfbcu.

That’s what I thought you can’t understand me!
When I talk to some people they just don’t understand how I feel or try and
compare me to other teens.
 Oct 2021
I had my moon for months and seems like years
,but this is the day my sweet moon moved away

And yes this happens to all others but I can't help write
about the hole that is not coved

Cause she was my anchor strong and true just like the
sun and the moon

It's the bitter sweet thing about it all, that makes this
time right know so big not as small

And I will remember all those great days we've had together, in
hope the sun and moon, me and her will be reunited like to love birds

  It seems so far and I feel like I can't make it
Cause I do I continue to burn bright without the moon
right in my sight

So I going to try to burn bright with the time I've got, then
hopefully I reunite with the moon of my life
It's hard when someone you care about moves away
 Oct 2021
It was like only yesterday  
you were able to hold me

but sadly now I am just a grown
teen, not a baby

It's a very scary feeling when u know
the biggest support could just disappear
and without you knowing

I can't stop thinking about it all

What if you are gone now I didn't get to say
goodbye let alone see me get married

NOO! grandkids no family I wish so much you
could be around but this feel this thing, I think

Are time maybe be up

It's just enough I can handle all this
bad new could the lord stop this pain inside

Cause it's hurting to now the out
come, with zero power to

Stop it, cause I just feel worthless
I can't lose my grama
 Oct 2021
Tell me is it just me
but I feel like the world
just hate's me

Cause no matter what I do
something or one get's hurt by me

And I didn't do what they say
but sadly at the end of the day

the world tells them not to
believe me any way

At this point in my life I
found the answer, but now

It seems the world gave me something
like cancer, cause whatever I do

I feel the pain cause I don't want to lose you
But what do I know I am sure my

Love for her doesn't matter anymore
I can't see why I try to love or care
cause to be honest the world may just not care but
I pray she talks to some day or today

— The End —