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 Oct 2021
What do I do if I'm stuck on a ledge?
Should I let go and succumb to the void within?
I cannot keep standing on this ledge forever,
it'll only lead to another devastating end.

Or do I take another route?
Attempt to climb down with shaky legs and slippery hands?
A little piece of me thinks it would be easier to choose to fall,
rather than to try and survive and still have everything go wrong.

So what do I do?
I'm stuck on this ledge,
awaiting an answer from you, my friend.
 Oct 2021
Sarita Aditya Verma
Baby waves
Holding hands with every molecule of their little hearts
Bubbling, gushing towards the shore
Mighty mama waves roar
Rush, with a lightning speed
And tuck in safe, the baby waves
Before they break onto the shore
Gurgling receding, pleading
Mama no Mama no
Mama let me go
No baby no
No, not yet
To the shore
 Oct 2021
The soft pink tongue spits
Poison and nectar as per
The situation...
Was trying to write it as a four liner:
The soft pink tongue
Is always on the run.
It is as cool as an ice
And as fiery as the sun...

But it ended up as a haiku....
Was inspired by a very famous saying : don't be the slave of ur tongue but make the tongue ur slave...😅
 Oct 2021
I’m sorry to see
you’re falling apart
It could be different you know
We could strive to make things better
  Reimagine our roles…
These dreams manifest themselves
in clusters of agreements
Sort them out and sigh…
Accept the moment
and in the light you’ll receive it
Catch ahold and fly!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
 Oct 2021
A Poet
When did I detach myself from the current of reality,
eternally fused to the nothingness that awaits us?
To become a slave of dreams and machinations.

When did I become another heartbeat,
longing for fantasies of love,
only to find the anguish that comes from human desire.
Knowing that we are powerless to our fascinations.

How many days go by, as we long to be remembered?
For art, for name, for doing, for living
only to reach the same end of obscurity.

They call me a deconstructionist, a detester of life.
But are we not worthlessly tied to this current of life?
We are born with no concepts, no meaning, an echo of what is to come.
& that same echo escapes us in the end.
 Sep 2021
Sarita Aditya Verma

Under the blue cloudless sky
White doves and pigeons
Flap wings and fly

Heritage domes, rustic brown
Stand clear of dust and sand
Glorious, withstanding every storm

Motor boats painted blue and green
Sharp the curvature, folded hands
Bow to the rising waters in the sea

Stillness of the silence
Clearly felt in the sound of the flapping wings
Broken leg, the bird could fly once
 Sep 2021
Sarita Aditya Verma

Brilliance of liquid gold
Speckled with glitter and stars
Arresting the celestial plafond
A touch of Neanderthal aesthetics
Modern and ancient air
Fusing under the beauteous sky
 Sep 2021
I keep dropping everything for you,
but you won't help me pick anything up.
Instead, you drag me away from my pile of things,
so we can pick up yours, and go back to that place.
That place isn't my favorite, in fact it's the worst.
I can't speak, or sleep, or even eat.
I'm suffocating in this casket you keep me in,
while all my things grow mold and become so overwhelming.
So overwhelming, which means it's hard to face them.
And so my pile of things keeps growing,
and I keep helping you clean and organize-
in the hopes that you'll help me clean up just a little bit of my own.
 Sep 2021
I met this boy when the pandemic began.
My mind was swimming in dark seas,
but this boy- he made me happy,
even if it were only bits and pieces so rare.
I met this boy and my tears disappeared,
laughter filled and echoed around me,
and I finally smiled regularly.
I grew fond of this boy in record speed,
but I was not the only one whose mind swam.
His mind was deep- submerged completely,
and it could be so hard to reach.
I tried, but I could only do so much-
and the water consumed and devoured me.
Even now, I’m slowly sinking-
a prisoner of this vicious, unrelenting sea.
 Sep 2021
I used to imagine a future-
and I was genuinely excited to see
exactly what was meant to be.

Now that future has disappeared-
and I’m scared to walk this trail
knowing that everything I try will only fail.
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