by 99 members and 966 followers Sometimes you just want to let poets know how much you care about their poetry. Saying thanks for sharing is a great way to do it. It tells them how much their work means to you.
Rockland County New York
I'be been writing poetry for 25 years and I find it enjoyable and therapeutic. I'm semi retired and work part time and writing is my …
M/Jigjiga, Ethiopia
HAKIM H. KASSIM has been writing poetry for years, holding Percy Shelley and John Keats as model-poets. Kassim believes poetry to be a vehicle for …
Richmond, Virginia
I write mainly because it's something I enjoy. I've always had a vivid imagination. My head is filled with ideas, and they spill onto paper. …
Forming web of words for comfort. For you and me and blue lagoon. Your feedbacks are appreciated. Follow on Instagram for colourful updates: @wordwebber
23/M/Mombasa, Kenya
I am always frustrated with those sabotaging my contentment. poetry is my pantheon as in really trying to reach up there poetically. Hail poetry. Long …