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 Feb 2019
I again visited my garden of despair
Watered with tears of woes and neglect
And now that the pond of bliss is arid
I once again asked myself
What flowers can thrive on these barrens?
Then I glanced at the blossoms of withered memories
Scattered as wreckage from a landslide
The bushes of harrowing pain I found
Arranged in a line of endless thorny shrubs
Decayed trees bearing the fruit of deceit
Still cast a shadow of contorted lies
I then trod as lightly and slowly as I could
Then plucked a fruit from a rotten tree and got its seeds
And with a chalky smile I hummed a quiet tune
Even in the death of my garden
I saw the promises of healing
As I walked past the rusty trellises and tarnished fences
I welcomed my sanguine memories of perfect and scented blooms
Visions of sun-drenched leaves greeted my anguish with a sliver of silver lining
It doesn’t matter if my garden left me with nothing
What now matters most is here in my hands are seeds of hope
 Feb 2019
I told you all of my problems
And you took them

You shouldn't have

I've dragged you down with me
Now we're falling endlessly


I should have just shut up.
 Feb 2019
Dr Peter Lim
Knowing what I am not
is such a sobering thought
 Feb 2019
Dr Peter Lim
Endurance is stronger than courage
    temperance is stronger than rage
 Feb 2019
Francie Lynch
He promised happiness, but we got strife.
Eternal paradise, but we got life.
He promised the chosen, but they got fire.
He promised redemption, but he's a liar.
 Feb 2019
Star BG
I look to the East and with deepen breath,
free my soul inside love.
I look to the West and with dancing steps,
free my soul inside dreams.
I look to the South and with open eyes,
free my soul inside visions.
I look to the North and with hearts song,
free my soul as my mind follows.
Free Mind thank you for inspiring me
 Feb 2019
My heart
A road map of twisting roads
So many different ways
Please take it slow

My love
Brighter than the midnight stars
Bigger than the universe
Especially where you are...

My dreams
Extend beyond deepest sleep
My needs are like your's
Someone close I seek

To Have
To hold
To sleep with me in peace
Come and take a nap
Set your dreaming free!!
Traveler Tim
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