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 Feb 2019
I am blind to the future
I have lost foresight...
I've been running
From my past
Like a coward
From a fight...
I have so little left
I've lost most all...
A voices inside
For tell my fall...
The end grows nearer
As the poison sets in...
  Imagine hate
That never mends
 Still I must forgive
      How and when ever I can.........
Traveler Tim
 Feb 2019
Tashielle Karanja
Art is a hell of a *******
drug, I tell you
it surreptitiously creeps
into you in a way that is
utterly indecipherable,

and lures you deep;
deep into it as the void above...

For the eye loves
what it sees,
and what's been seen
by the eye
is rather fascinating to the soul,

Amidst all these
Overwhelming emotions,
a harmonic converge
between the eye and the soul
is created,

Fostering a sui generis ecstatic rhapsody!
 Feb 2019
Star BG
Do you remember when time stood still,
and inner child was front and center?
Where hours didn't exist in playgrounds sand
and voice sang in freedom daily even off key.

Do you recall when dreams carried breath,
and self danced alone with morning birds?
Where smiles came easy
and worry alluded present moments.

Do you remember when mother came
reaching to hug and sooth all wounds?
Where life seemed simple
inside fun and games.

I recall it all and pass the ball to you
to celebrate life and
it’s gift inside all phases of expansion.
Inspired by Pagan Paul a grand writer. Thank you
 Feb 2019
Sally A Bayan's never gone, just silent...blending,
off and on...surfacing
when at ease, or, unwinding
as grown ups....closing, opening palms
while hearing, or sharing words of wisdom...

that smiling carefree soul,
always captured...always held in awe
by colorful arches of rainbows
and swings and seesaws...
drawn to the sandy sea shore
in the spring or summer
while watching big and small kites soar
savoring freedom up in the air------
...floats upon sight of lighted Christmas trees
and red poinsettias...quivers on a cold breeze,
thrilled, when snow falls and it starts to freeze..

a fresh kicking energy within, glows,
it musn't one needs to know
about this soul...mellowed, yet young... hidden,
but not imprisoned
there're a thousand and one reasons
throughout life's alternating seasons,
the child in you and me,...must live on...


©Rosalia Rosario A. bayan
January 21, 2019
 Feb 2019
I had been running from
My shadow's for far too long
And so I tried to stop
And take a right
To fix what's wrong
I had to learn to get along

These ghost of mine
They share my soul
They refused to simply just
Let the past go

I burn a candle and meditate
But all my magic is tied to fate
The time to pay
Is actually here
I keep my love
And passion near
Traveler Tim
I talk about damnation
so that I may understand the depth of prosperity

I walk my mind through our world’s fire
because only through
may I come to terms with the meaning of peace

I eternally breathe on the tip of a sword
because only then will I appreciate
being a shield to

I bear with restraint
so when let loose
I will never
debase the worth of having
wings unfolded

And when I close my eyes to rest
I don’t wish to see paradise
but to see reality
so when I wake
I only think about fantasizing
the life I live
 Feb 2019
Star BG
Our lives are that of a fine recipe. We blend inside our breath and thoughts making life's flavor of ups and downs cook. We add condiments of seasonings like miracles, dreams, and gratitude. Lastly we mix with spoon of dancing steps merging it all with our essence which is main ingredient of love.
Inspired by chat with Sparkle inWisdom
 Feb 2019
South by Southwest
Trombone bones
don't make a poem
Funny that you ask

I wonder what or why
made you the cry
Now I have to ask

"The bones are bleached
then laid bare
upon the Sands of time"

"We hang by threads
until we cut
the rope of life that binds"

Then the funeral proceeds
down the street
Clairenets , trumpets
and trombones

Life is chance
a game of dice
Won't you roll the bones
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