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 Jan 19
At the border between garden and orchard,
an old door
with a rusted padlock. Rusted by rain or dew?

We walk through it barefoot blissful, cherubic.
My name: Volatile

Grandmother’s apron, a white cloud
scented with lavender
under which I’d bend my head
when the lamb gave birth,
sowing the air with as many photons
as star seeds
over hills, in summertime.

Then, the timeless joy –
children by the pond
gazing at the orange mill
brimming with moon.

Under the beam,
the braid of garlic cloves
– tiny lanterns
illuminating my height
on the spine of the door,
marked there by father,
his hands fragranced with walnuts,
and on the windowsill
the little sack of seeds waiting to defrost.

At the border between clay and star,
a narrow door
through which only we
could squeeze,
on a path of light.

by Liliana Ursu, translated by Mihaela Moscaliuc
 Dec 2024
the soul of joy grows in circles
it glitters in children's cheeks
singing together washes away
the momentum of nonsense
I contemplate the unknown,
the right proportion of light of darkness
their breath kept in balance,
the golden harvest of hearts,
of hours
the fir tree gives away
some scent, some wonder

Merry Christmas
 Oct 2018
Mike Hauser
Can I let you in on a little something
That to me has been wrong way rubbing
While some folk might think it's nothing
Like kissing on a second cousin

But something about this don't seem right
Now I ain't trying to start no fight
All depends on your appetite
On what you do and do not like

But me, I don't like all the complaining
Especially from those misbehaving
Gets my head all into aching
Which happens a lot these days lately

They expect us all to follow along
But what if we don't dance to that song
Can you tell me what about that is wrong
Aren't we all individuals

I guess they expect you to go with the crowd
Not to think or do by yourself
Be a good little sheeple now
Tell you when and where to bow down

Have they ever thought of discussing
In a calm voice without the cussing
Maybe then we'd all learn something
Cause all of this whining is unbecoming

That's about all I gotta say
I'm tired of being rubbed the wrong way
To me, this ain't okay
Oh and by the way...have a nice day
 Oct 2018
Mike Adam
Old lion
Mangy mane,
Draped over thorny bough,
Eyelids flipping flies.

Esses bring down
Some poor horned

Down climb and
Belly growl,
Take tender parts.

Too idle to branch,
Sleep on sandy floor
In lovely shade.
 Oct 2018
Mike Hauser
I'm one of those blessed I know
To get along with my toes
So I took time out in my day
To give them all different names

The big toe I have on the right
I gave him the name of Frank
You may ask the reason why
But frankly it's escaped my mind

The one that's sitting next to him
I went ahead and named him Slim
Skinny is as skinny does
And he's the skinniest of the toes

Then there's the one in the middle
He's the one that loves to wiggle
So he needs a special name
And that is why I call him Dave

The toe that is next in line
Has gotten crooked over time
So I nicknamed him Senator
Which seems to suit him fine

And then there's little Pinky
But doesn't everyone I'm thinking
Try as hard as I might a new name to find
Pinky's the name that comes to mind

Don't you know when it comes to toes
And you have more than one of those
To cut out on the confusion
I gave them all names of my choosing
 Oct 2018
Falling deeper through the abyss
Just cannot face the truth of this
I'm losing faith and any hope
And I don't know just how to cope
You told me that it all was fine
Yet haven't seen you in some time
You told me that we were still friends
But seems like it's come to an end
Your photo used to make me smile
But haven't seen you for a while
Our little chats would make my day
Though now I cry my days away
Can't reconcile what’s in my head
All of the things you did and said
I thought you were my special friend
A friend I'd have until the end
I did not care about your past
Just wanted our friendship to last
But somehow it all went wrong
And now i fear our friendship gone
I miss those times so very much
And how I'd love to stay in touch
I highly doubt it’s in the cards
Losing your friendship’s very hard
Still falling deeper through the void
So much pain i can't avoid
I think all day and wonder why
The friendship lost still makes me cry
Just another poem about being depressed and pushing friends away while feeling alone and rejected
 Oct 2018
My Head hurts, my throat is sore
And i can't take it anymore
All the darkness and the pain
Stirring up inside my brain
So confused and very low
Lost within the undertow
Wrote this after a night of crying hard for hours.
 Oct 2018
july hearne
marijuana, fourth of july,
and even then
that anthony bourdain look in your eye

never did know
how much i could relate

and that’s what i do these days,
i relate and relate

soon it will be time to remember
you'll be gone four years already,
and i've lived the kind of life
that knows better than to face you
around or gone four years already
 Oct 2018
Curled against me at any time of day
Stronger than iron, we are one

My son pitches himself against me
In every way, last gasp,

Puberty can’t be avoided
It will end the innocence of

Desperate devotion between us
As it always has been meant to do

Pain, such cleaving pain,
I reject it for now

Give me one more, no
Give us two more years to live like

This, oh please,
This World will wait

A bit longer
To devour him
 Oct 2018
Everyday that passes by
Without a word
Just makes me cry
Wonder where it all went wrong
I messed up big
A friendship gone?
A friendship lost, i sure hope not
Each passing day
Some comfort sought
Miss, i do the daily chats
And Days without
I feel so flat
Can't clear head, it's just a mess
I must confess
Nervously I try to wait
For the next chat
I fear too late
shouldn't think these thoughts of mine
Just let it be
And give it time
But each day that passes by
Without a word
Still makes me cry
Written for a friend qhilw waitong tonhwar from her before I found out i was ghosted
 Oct 2018
I made a friend who helped me out
One day when i was blue
She made me laugh and made me smile
On days when i was  blue
She gave me hugs and soothing words
On days when I was blue
Her number she did give to me
For days when i when I was blue
The greatest friend I thought i had
For days when I was blue
We'd chat for hours with secrets shared
On days when I was blue
The time we shared and showed she cared
Some days when I was blue
Wrote me a poem said things were fine
One day when i was blue
The friendship meant so much to me
For days when i am blue
Now chats are rare, i fear her gone
These days when i am blue
I fear I lost my special friend
Most days now i am blue
I wish i could, mistakes undo
These days that i am blue
I miss my friend, will to the end
On days when i feel blue
Written for a friendship I lost
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