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 Aug 2019
Frank Russell
Little Billy said
oh yeah?    wait and see what
i do with sonnets

- fr
 Aug 2019
Emma Price
As hard as I try
I can not justify
this intense need to cry
~much love
 Aug 2019
guy scutellaro
I'm searching for intelligent life
not in outer space but here on earth.
I turn over a rock
and find congress, the president,
a couple used car salesman
and a worm.

the choice is obvious.
state,  federal government. how many laws do we need? an assembly woman wanted a law requiring seat belts for dogs. how about seat belts for school children for the school bus? apparently politicians have a lot of free time on their hands.
 Aug 2019
Bijan Rabiee
There is an urge behind this beast
That sends it forth to tangible places
Where profundity drives outward
Drying out the wells of thought.
Like a passive dog barking inward
It sways the soul to some failing end
And remedies of it trap the crowd
Who become bound
To its changing faces.
 Aug 2019
White Wolf
The Wren may be many a thing,
but has it heard the Robin sing?

Both a sight to set your eyes upon,
with their gifts of song before they're gone.

Waking me up at the break of day,
first I heard the Wren in his dismay.

"I fly in all three worlds, I'll take you there,
I share my lore with all who's fair."

So I followed the Wren into the woods of old,
entered a sacred circle to join their fold.

This path I've chosen was walked by few,
only to learn that the Robin also knew!

* * * * * * *

Each bird has its song
and if you hearken long

It becomes thy own
now another is known
The Wren's nest is the Druid's nest. /|\
 Aug 2019
One day you have to erase me
From your life.
From your dreams ..
One day you have to delete me
From your days..
From your prays..
I will become an angel..
Maybe not...
Life will end..
Light ..
Is that day coming..
I will ask again ..
WHY ???
 Aug 2019
Logan Robertson
There she would be
Under a spruce tree
Wild and free
Like sand at sea
Holding the waves frenzy
Filled with so much spree
Scenic and capri
Down to earth to thee
The rain and sun give her glee
Moon and stars zzz
Her roots are key
The door to the tree
A foundation to the marque
It's branches and leaves agree
Knock on wood she be

Logan Robertson

Applaud the efforts of the Audubon and other conservativation groups that save the forest and trees. This preservation preserves the carbon, which the lack of such, as we're seeing, contributes to climate change. The roots of the tree goes beyond majestic, myopic and metaphors it can make man moralize.
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