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Jan 2015 · 3.1k
Nadia Liana Jan 2015
A mutant dog chases me
Up the stairs, around the corner, into the room.
It backs me up against the wall
Into the scream.
But it isnt really that awkward painting that hangs above my bed, its
Only a balcony.
Up against the edge I go, teetering.
Out he sticks, a giant paw.
Up against me he pushes, I fall.
Into the depths, as low as Atlantis.
Everything fades to black…
I wake up screaming and sweat soaked.
Another fake in my life.
Jan 2015 · 2.1k
Nadia Liana Jan 2015
We have been invited to a masquerade
We take a moment to halt this crusade
In life There are ups and downs, side to sides, like plaid
In order to find the good inside of us, we must get through the bad

We have been invited to a masquerade
Even though we may feel as if we are being betrayed

Rivers that separate rich folk, poor folk, your folk, my folk
I think it’s time the world finally awoke

We have been invited to a masquerade
We stare, never moving, without a choice, like the milk maid
Dance, sing, anything! I shouldn’t have to persuade

We have been invited to a masquerade*
This is not a time to maim, blame or downgrade
We no longer spit our deadly lines
These life lessons should be taken as signs

Be careful what you think, because your thoughts are not your own
“Where did you get this inspiration?” You ask,
Well dear, from my home
Jan 2015 · 711
Nadia Liana Jan 2015
Girls and boys.
Men and women.
Males and females.

The minds of each are so different, it blows mine.
Males are so simple, it's almost funny.
Females are considered to be the most complicated beings on earth.

This creates a dilemma on each side.
Especially in relationships.

The little things are all girls want to be remembered.
The little things are the most forgotten by guys.

If my mom asks my dad to come home early one day,
He’ll remember to come home early,
But he won't remember that it’s because today is their anniversary.

My dad will tell my mom, on Saturday I am going to the skatepark.
My mom will say okay, but then nag him for days
Because he didn’t pay attention that that was the day my sister had a show.

But then there's the day my mom will go to extra lengths for dinner,
Clean the house, shoo the kids, grab a new movie.

The day my dad comes home from work early,
A bouquet and a pound of chocolate in his hands,
With three simple words on his lips.

In today’s society between teenagers, things are the same and different.
They're the same in all of the petty little daily arguments.

But In my eyes they are different in the most significant way.
The vows that end with "I do" are not in play within such a relationship.
There is no "Becoming of One".

Those vows are what begin a new life, between two beings and one.
There are no "Lets talk later sweetie, I like you".
No "Goodnight babe, I'll see you tomorrow".

The day begins with "I love you"
And ends with "I'll never stop loving you".
All with that person by your side.
Because after all, Agape love is the most powerful emotion known to man.
Jan 2015 · 527
Me, Myself, and I
Nadia Liana Jan 2015
“Something old, something new”, they chant,
Again and again
Over and over
Pounding into my ears the ballad of the lovers
“No!” I shout, “It won’t be me”
I won’t let my life turn into such glee

Not when I’m so close,
Not when I can feel it’s heat at my fingertips
I’ve waited all my life for this chance

A chance to shine,
A world to call my own,
Built and created by me

Not my sister.
Not my brother.
Not handed down to me or given out of charity.

I accomplished this alone,
Me, myself, and I.
Jan 2015 · 1.7k
Text Messages
Nadia Liana Jan 2015
This morning I picked up my phone and texted you
Hey babe
You text back that night
Hey love how are you
I text back a half hour later
Im doing wonderful, how are you?
You text back the next morning
Im doing okay, hows your day going babe?
I text back a half hour later
Its sort of busy, but productive.
You dont reply
You text me two days later.
Hey love how are you
Is this our relatonship?
Is this all there is?
Is this all there ever is?
Im sorry
I want more
I need more
I deserve more

— The End —