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 Jul 2014 Christine
Edward Coles
I take a walk into the parkour graveyard,
looking for Polish dealers and cellphone halos.
I heard Thoth resides in sobriety,
but words fail me
whenever you are near.

I let my tongue run in endless stutters,
disguising 'I love you' as some off-hand request.
I could take you to dinner,
I could show you a longing
without the need for ***.

This late-night food has lost its flavour.
This ******* never picked up.
All that is left is to dial these numbers,
and wait by the window
for any car but yours.

Let's take a walk to the railway bridge.
We'll smoke a joint by the open forest.
You'll push your breath into mine,
make me high,
and forget why I ever
felt so low.
 Jul 2014 Christine
pluie d'été
you fold my heart
in your palm
like the paper
you press
to your lips

you make the words
you whisper
into the curve of my neck
become butterflies
across my skin

and you draw
with your eyes

kiss me

i've seen the way
you tear
when you're done
 Jul 2014 Christine
just a girl
when i'm awake early in the morning
i think of nothing but you
but i know you don't think of me

when i can't sleep at 3 AM beacuse i miss you
and i know you're sleeping peacefully
i hate myself a little bit more

when i finally fall asleep
i dream of you but i know
you don't dream of me

and every living moment of my day
has become a nightmare not worth living

 Jun 2014 Christine
Ryan Cripps
All I am…
Is less the man
Than I used to be.
I crumble more
Every single day.
I have no idea
How to Stop
The decay.
All I am…
Is a wounded soldier
Left on the battlefield,
Left to die left to be killed.
No man left behind?
Motto for the military
Not the motto for life.
“Given up? Here’s a knife”
“**** yourself, because you’re useless”
“Don’t know how to fix yourself you’re clueless”
Says the man in my head every day.
All I am…
Trying to do
Is find my way back.
But confidence, and energy
Is something I greatly lack.
No map, gps, or phone.
I’m out here all alone.
Who Am I?
I don’t know.
All I am…
Is a lost soul.
When I was young I wanted a man
a knight in shinning armor
you know those guys
who never cry
that save you from the dragon

Then I realized
that in the castle with a knight
that they can hurt you too
they can trap you on a bed
whatever the plea
you can end up on your knees
so sometimes the dragons best

So in the present times
all i can do is bow
and hope one day for the best
I mean I like girls
but I don't need a pearl
I want a girl who can fit with my turtleshell

Sure she could be trouble
but we'll make it double
and she'll teach me her ways
i'll teach mine
I won't judge her flaws
because of the cause
it was a part of her life

I want
no I need
a girl who is
weak and strong
who can see through my mask
while I see through hers
and hold her tight

That girl who knows my secrets
and I hers because our souls intertwined
where the darkness could consume
Yet not destroy
for we had already had our drinks of their wine

I need a girl with a past like mine
and a future we could intertwine
we don't have to get married
or have kids
who has the time?
But to look into just tomorrow
for an ebony sky
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