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I get distracted by little things
It looks like I’m hunting love
I know I want Love
But then I get distracted by simple momentary things
I know who I am supposed to ask out on a date
But, seems easier to ask someone else
Because I’m too scared to fall for that person
And get “we’re just friends” as a response.
“Hey I love you why you telling me your dramas about the guys you like but end up lying and hurting you?”
I think
But I never say
I just listen
“Don’t be fooled” I say
“I won’t” she says
Weeks later she telling me the same old stories
“Try me”
I think
But I never say
“What if she is telling me to ask her to be mine? What is she thinking?”
I think to myself
Gosh, I wish I wasn’t too scared to lose you as a friend
I wish you knew I mean it when I say I missed you every time I see you after two, four or eight months
I wish you were mine
Just mine
I fantasize about the things we could be doing if we were together
Then I remember what we had
Were we too fast?
Was it a perfect thing on a bad time?
I don’t know, but
I loved every little moment
I told her she’s one of the best things that ever happened in my life
I meant it
When did we **** this up?
When did we become just friends?
Am I in love?
How can I win her back?

(to be continued)
I want to go back to the day when I met you
I want to go back to that spot
A perfect day for a perfect encounter
That body…
I could tell you were dangerous
Perfect lips
A smile this gorgeous?
Girl, you’re dangerous, you’re mine
I knew you were mine
I just had to claim you
I had the feeling that
I started loving you way before I met you
I like spending time reading poetry
Love poetry
Where everything is perfect
They make me dream
Dream of a perfect love story
They make me think of that perfect girl
Laying on my lap telling me about her day, dreams, plans
And places she wants to go
Poetry that make me dream about her telling me how many kids she wants to have although the number of kids she wants does not match with mine (laughs) but we always find a solution
We actually find a solution for everything in those dreams of mine
We are sitting by the beach having deep conversations
Or we’re making love in the woods broad daylight
Poetry makes my mind dream and my mind always puts her in those dreams.
How long is forever?
It can be 3 years… one month, or even a day.
Yes, you can live your best love story in a day.
It’s not about time.
It’s about connection, a connection that makes you forget everything else and dive deep in that moment to live a little.
A connection that can only be made by two souls that have known each other since creation, maybe this is the definition of soul mate.
Now you’re going to look at that one night stand wondering if that was your soul mate, maybe yes, maybe not.
The point is, not everyone gets to live forever with the people they are meant to be with.
Or they have their forever that it’s not a long time but it’s intense.
Se não é Deus...
Quem ou O que nos faz acreditar que bons momentos estão por vir?
Quem ou O que nos faz ter fé?
Se existem coisas ou pessoas destinadas a serem quem as desenhou assim? Quem escreveu o destino delas?
Será que estamos sozinhos neste mundo?

Eu próprio me encontro a duvidar da existência de um Deus… É como dizem “ver é crer” mas temos de morrer para ver e quem morre não volta para nos contar os detalhes… Mas escolho acreditar que ele existe, não sei porque que prefiro acreditar que existe, mas parece dar algum conforto e propósito na vida. Duvidar da existência de Deus também me faz duvidar da existência de paraíso, mas prefiro acreditar que existe, e se existe eu quero ir para lá quando o meu corpo morrer… Mas também duvido que eu vá para lá, não sou perfeito, faço coisas condenáveis, segundo a bíblia, minto, fornico, até já roubei, mesmo que seja um roubo que eu tenha achado “inocente” por ser pequeno e que “ninguém notaria” é um roubo e isso é condenável, segundo a bíblia.
O que faz com que sejamos perdoados? Fala-se tanto do dia em que o mundo vai acabar e as almas puras serão levadas para o reino dos céus, o que eu faço para minha alma ser uma dessas que será levada para o reino dos céus? Pedir perdão todos os dias? Ou apenas no dia da nossa morte?
Qualquer pessoa cansa-se de ouvir pedidos de perdão diariamente por erros que cometemos por livre vontade, Deus não é uma pessoa, mas será que ele não está cansado de nos perdoar dia-a-dia?
Se existe Paraíso e Inferno eu quero acreditar que ninguém habita o inferno, quero acreditar que o diabo não tem nem sequer uma alma. Se todos pecados são dignos do perdão, eu quero acreditar que Deus perdoou todos.
No último julgamento que quero acreditar que ninguém se recusou a assumir seus erros e pedir perdão… e essa é a razão de eu achar que ninguém habita o inferno e se existem almas perdidas lá, são apenas réplicas e que as verdadeiras habitam no reino dos céus.
This is a reflection I had, don't mean to offend or insult.
I tried my best
To find words
To describe
What I feel for you
Couldn't find the words
Couldn't describe
Maybe I’m not supposed to say with words
Or describe with actions
I’m supposed to make you feel what I feel
Share this feeling with you
Share my love with you
Please ignore the mess
Ignore the sadness
Ignore the pain
Decorate as you like
Make it your safe place
There are things I managed to fix myself
I hope you fix what is still broken
Welcome to my heart
And please, try not to break anything
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