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Time has frozen
It froze at the moment we laid eyes on each other
I guess the time only froze for both of us
Two Different souls
Yet, everything we asked for
My heart started beating differently
A different rhythm
I guess it was connecting to your heart, tuning the same frequency
The frequency of love in its most rare form called
Love at first sight
I could tell that nice fragrance I was smelling, was yours
What a perfect picture you are
Hi… I’m Chris
I’m not a good loner
I’m not good at being alone
I guess I will always need someone to take care of me
Emotionally and Spiritually
Someone that makes me forget all the problems in this damaged world
Someone I can take care of
I’m alright alone, is not so bad
I can do whatever I want
See whoever I want to see
But I’d rather connect souls with you
With good conversation
A little bit of pampering
And do all this cute things I have in my mind
I’m not a good loner
I want you because it’s you who my heart is asking for
It’s you my mind pictures every time I think of something good
Only you
My Aura is different
My Frequency is different
I do not go with the society flow
I’m making my own path
Don’t know if I have someone who admires me
I don’t really care
I vibe different
Everyday a different thought
Everyday a different question
I seem lost to others
But I found myself
I was lost yes
Lost in my thoughts
Lost trying to figure out how to impress people
Lost because I didn't know I’m the only one I have to impress
I’m alive now
I listen to the “Life Manual” God gave us
I listen to what my heart has to say
I pay attention to the signs the Universe gives me
I follow them
I disobey them sometimes
But I always find my way back to the frequency
I live in a shell
I move, carrying my shell with me

I live in a shell
I’m afraid I’m not going to survive if I get out of it.

I live in a shell
I only take my head out so I can see the world out there

I move this slow because I’m carrying my shell with me
The world out there is crazy
This shell I carry seems to be the safest place to stay
And it is safe, but
Some of my friends and family members died in their shells
Ran over by cars or simply because the time had finished eating them
I wish I could get out of this shell
I wish I could fly
Explore the world a little bit faster
What is it like in my friend's shell?
They are probably wondering the same
No one other than me has ever been in my shell
Not that I don’t want to let them in
It was designed to be just for me
My own private shell
My solitary
My own private jail
  Mar 2017 Chris Tó Inácio
I want to
saturate my tongue
in your taste
while you
wrap your legs
around my waist
and we both race
to keep pace
with each other
moving together
back and forth
making you wet
like a rain
in stormy weather
our bodies
ingrained like we were
made for each other
My feelings are complicated
Most of the times I don’t know what I’m feeling
Sometimes I just want to go out and live a little
Sometimes I miss the past
And then I find myself saying “start over”
I want to make stories
Instead of just writing them
I want to meet new people
Get in an adventure
I want to take risks
I want to fall in love again
Then the fear takes over
I work really hard to overcome my fears
I’m almost there
The universe does its best to give me what I ask for
Then I let the things pass me up
Or I choose to ignore
I complain about not having someone to share my secrets with
When I find someone I simply push away
I remember I used to trust people so easily
Now I think everyone is up to something
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