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 Jun 2014 Chloé
Jonny Angel
All I ever wanted was
a plain old hug,
somebody just to hold me
& whisper everything
was going to be alright.

There's no doubt darling,
I can handle myself,
I can rumble
with the roughest
& I've got the fuckng scars
to prove it.

****** sugar,
this bravado
I wear
is a mask,
but I think you should know,
tough guys need love too
& I won't ***** you
over like
those sweet-talking
 Jun 2014 Chloé
 Jun 2014 Chloé
You reek of sweaty tenderness
the kind with a soft and gentle touch
grabbing on to my nose pulling me up real
close much
like those
drips sliding
never letting go


The harsh colliding of such
small and delicate droplets gives my rivers soothing shivers
as the so called divergent waves bounce
back and forth
against the edges of each cliff around high and steep

Time after time
these drops
scared to leap




In the end, they're careless of it all.
If I had a dog I'd name him Puddles
 Jun 2014 Chloé
jeffrey robin
/                     \
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(+)                    (+)
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The boy was dying on the road

She was praying for the courage
To go save him




The lost songs


Lingering in dark skies

Haunted by the yellow moon


Wait !  Wait !!

she feels some courage coming !


After a spot of

Biscuits and tea
 Jun 2014 Chloé
Meenu Syriac
Beyond the walls that hold you in
Touch of crimson hue and stained with ink.
Write your story with your blood within,
Take a blade, and let the tale begin.

Down the lane, memories pretend,
Casting shadows, the mind cannot lend.
Let the lies be one with your self succinct,
Dreaming was always your dearest sin.

And as you take each step towards the door,
Rising fear, draws you back into recluse.
Stories, countless, but no courage to share,
A plea to take you back to the better days.

Let the pages be filled with pain and misery
Write it out now, let the ink run out with your story.
And with the last page, let the suffering be quenched
Step outside into the sun, let a new life begin.
 Jun 2014 Chloé
Thank you
 Jun 2014 Chloé
I talked to you
about all the mixed up stuff
kept away in my

You were understanding
and helpful
and it was great
And I felt
much better than usual

You helped me so much
when I thought you would
get mad

But you didn't

And I'm so thankful
for everything you do

cracked nails with peeling hands
ugly dancers' feet
endless hours of stretching, leaping, bowing, and creating straight lines with no mistakes
you destroy me but, I love every moment of it
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