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  Jun 2019 chitragupta
I have a problem
  I don’t know how to fix it.

  Life is life but what about risks?

  I sometimes want to get hurt or die,
               Just to see if they will cry.

If people will care,
         or go on with their incomplete lives
               or if they will come clean away theirs lies.

          To say they’re sorry,
         to apologise,
            is something I don’t even think they would try.

             So what if I died?
        would you really care.

         The darkest secret
                hidden inside,
      may not be what I hide
            every night.

                     so remember this when you look to the sky,
              for I love you and I just wanted to say goodbye...
Sad unfixable
  Jun 2019 chitragupta
Masha Yurkevich


is a language that the

blind can see

and the

deaf can hear.

A quote I heard from somewhere and absolutely loved.
  Jun 2019 chitragupta
Are there people
Without voices in their heads?
Monsters tormenting and
Demons taunting them?
Because I’ve lived my entire life
Fighting for my sanity
My grip on reality
Desperately trying to hear my own voice
In all of the chaos
This is just how I am
It’s how I live
And it astounds me
That anyone could be different
chitragupta Jun 2019
I'm stealing glances,
trying to hide behind
useless conversation

I'm taking my chances,
trying to conceal all my

Am I hurting or am I healing?
I'm not yet sure of what I'm feeling
I just sense your magic run through me
Like a thousand volts of ecstasy

I'm counting the seconds,
trying to delay the
pull-down of the curtains

I look to the heavens,
trying to beseech
the God that never listened

Am I hurting or am I healing?
I'm not yet sure of what I'm feeling
I just sense your abandon stagger me
Like a thousand volts of misery

Oh, you.
when I think of you,
it's as if sparks start flying above my head
when I look at you,
drums of arrhythmia keep beating in my chest

Am I hurting or am I healing?
I'm not yet sure of what I'm feeling..
Am I hurting or am I healing?
I'm not yet sure of what I'm feeling..
A thousand volts of lyric poetry.
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