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6.1k · Apr 2017
Jamaican girl
Chanel Dior Apr 2017
Oh Jamaican girl,where is your patois?
where is your long dreads of natural hair?
your culture?

Jamaican girl,sing your country's national anthem
How do you not like reggae?
what kind of Jamaican are you?

You see the ackee and codfish I stuffed down my throat on a Saturday morning would never be enough for them.
My extinctive use of the English language made them sick at their guts
The fact that my waistline won't move in such a manner to alarm others.

Born in the Yard
Grew up in the suburbs
Never boastful;always grateful

So Jamaican girl you try to act white on purpose?
Wear 'American clothes'
And perm your hair?

My nationality will coexist throughout my veins
Will never hit sunlight unless my tongue decides to move in that direction.
Will never be ashamed of my heritage as I am proud of it,yet also modified to not be defined by it.
652 · Jan 2019
Chanel Dior Jan 2019
Most days I smile,
most days I  rule the world.
most days I let people see me shine
most days I conquer sadness
most days I am a dreamer.
most days I let my mind set sail on my wildest requests.

But not today;
see today I am in a bed of tears,
drowning helplessly in my sorrows.
Today I let the world see my dull eyes and worn down smile.
No see,today I lost to my sadness and it conquered me,
defeated me, today I feel like my heart is six feet under.
Today I dream of better days,
I dream the dark clouds could vanish with a wave of a hand.
Today I dream I didn't hate myself so much.
Today, my mind has gone on a quest to find happiness,true happiness.
Though today its hard, its hard to collect my thoughts when they've only been scattered like breadcrumbs.
Today love feels undeserving.

Maybe my tomorrow will be promising,
or maybe not.
Maybe i'll continue drowning,
losing myself and others around me.
I hope you enjoyed this poem. please share and support.
619 · Aug 2017
Chanel Dior Aug 2017
I Miss the look in your eyes when I say "I love you."
The anticipation it used to bring.
I miss the way you look at me,
With a universe in your eyes.

Love hard or die trying.
Like watching you leave my life was not enough pain.
And a broken heart cannot be sealed in a heartbeat.
In fact it's still taking it's time healing.

I'm still dealing with the aftermath of our equation.
But now me minus you,brings me emptiness.
And we can never come to a common solution.
Always at each others throats shouting,yet we could never hear each other.

You lost sight of what we were to be
And I became blinded to the obvious.
And figured I should just be oblivious.

Now you are gone,
And I'm steady keeping my composure
But I needed you and i can't take this torture.
Not best. Not best.
533 · Aug 2017
300 years
Chanel Dior Aug 2017
For over 300 years I have been victimized for the color of my skin.
The skin that I have been dipped in chocolate and honey for,And hanged out in the sun to dry.
I've seen people like myself face death because of their sun kissed skin.
Lost in history's wars.

In the past 300 years I have faced ridicule for my kinks and coils.
Forced to tie it out of existence,
And comb it to perfection.
Told to "keep it neat if you want to be here"

You see they kicked me out of institutions for the pride that I was born with.
Fired me from behind desks because my hair wasn't "fit for the work place".
The melanin of my skin has made many melancholic toward me.
They clutch their purses after beating us to death.

We are not taking away your culture,
Rather we are protecting ours.
Because all you do is strip us of our dignity,
And treat us less than we should be.

As for the past 300 years, I am set free from your  physical chains,
Yet still held accounted for things according to my skin color.
Slavery may have ended, but we are still trapped at mindset.
Know your roots.
526 · Jan 2022
Chanel Dior Jan 2022
My winters never last this long
never this brutal, never this strong
Though this snowstorm is brisk and brittle
I cant help but miss your icy blue eyes a little.
This love I store safe just for you,
Is almost as warm as the coffee you brew.

For you my dear these stars glitter and dance,
They are as beautiful as the sound of your laugh.
Even on a cloudy Winter's night,
You are as admirable as Orion in my sight.
Peaking up at The Milky Way
My galaxy is here to stay.

Holding your warm hands makes all my stars align.
When I stargaze I tend to take my time,
You remind me that love exists,
My soaring star has made its wish.
These constellations are the exemplary view,
Though not as  quintessential as my love for you.
To my beloved.
384 · Jun 2017
Redemption Poem
Chanel Dior Jun 2017
I've laid in a bed,for many men
but i've never spread my legs.
wore the same garments to make my body feel more holy  
yet i was just another sinner.
though i swam in a ocean of insecurities when you left me
and i saw you two together with her fair skin and high top air force you probably thought was corny.

i became invisible to you,
so i began to fade to everyone
became a quiet void
at 119 pounds,i became the elephant in the room,that everyone ignored.

my wounds keep finding ways to become open
reminding me of everything i couldnt be for you
everything i'll never be for the next guy.
take my fragile heart and take care of it

when i told you i loved you ,you thought i was bluffing.
but when you asked me to marry you i never thought you were rushing,
but you burned those bridges,
and im still dealing with the flames
and not the one we had when our feelings were the same.
Like this.
365 · Apr 2017
The beauty in love
Chanel Dior Apr 2017
I don't want a tragic love story
Where a girl falls hopelessly in love with a boy who does miraculous things for.
I want the cold truth, the pain that love bears
The endurance it undergoes,
The pressure it withholds.

I want the love story that proves:
Love is patient,
Slow to anger,
Love does not act unkind or immodest.
For it bears all things.

With beauty paying attention will cost you a price.
Something no amount of expenses can offer,
Became livid when I realised I loved you..
Yet the earth became more vivid with each touch.

The perfect love story involves imperfect humans,
No happily ever after or sunshine on rainy days
Because during our rainy days,
We learned that after a beautiful rainbow will reign.
328 · Jun 2015
This is what pain results.
Chanel Dior Jun 2015
understanding that my mistakes have been mistaken for lessons,
lessons that do nothing but make me look bad.
because everyone wants a say in what you do, and how you do it.
what you say and how you say it.

you announced you have a point,well your points have became pointless.
I will go through this process.
that I may make intense progress.
I don't care if you think less,of me.

they always tend to notice all the bad you do,
they want you to be happy,
but they put all the sad in you.
I clap my hands at the audience of ridicules.
for they have took the very dreams I pursued.

open up your mind.
for you have already became blind,
to your eyes.
is it me or life you utterly despise?

I am walking on my heart,
and if I had known from the start,
that this pain would take its own toll
I'd be up and out on a roll.
272 · May 2017
Her Love
Chanel Dior May 2017
How have you managed to carry my burdens?
Applied yourself to every equation?
Put yourself before others always,
Placed your needs aside for mines?
You have made me realize that home is more than a shelter.

Moved mountains with your bare hands
Opened locked doors for my opportunities.
Taught me that the greatest teachers do not stand in front of a class
Held my heartbeat in your body,held my body when I needed your heart
Efforts that had mind blowing effects.
Reached hearts without walking a mile
Showed strength even at your weakness.

Decided I wanted love just like you,care like you,and endure like you.
Appreciation and gratitude may be simple,but I have them for you.
Your sacrifices never go unheard even if they were done in silence.

I Love You.

— The End —