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Someone is drowning in a sea of faces.
He never saw me but I sure saw him.
And he was cast away to far off places,
But where to bound, he'd never say.
I see him draw a shallow breath,
decending into the glassy oceans in his eyes.
With all the pressure he is barely breathing.
He seems as though he is barely alive.
Where have you been to get here today?
What have you done to become how you are?
What have you seen to make it seem this way?
You aren't here to catch the train at 8:15.
I wanted to ask but I did and said nothing.
And I became just another observer.
And when the questions were finally answered,
Before we could act, it was already over.
The train came at 8:15.
I never even knew his name.
I should have asked him how he'd been.
I never asked. We never do.
Men, young and old, make up 75% of all suicide victims, but they are the least represented group when it comes to mental health. Male mental health stigma kills. Let's start asking the right questions.
Stretching up tiny little fingers to the sky,
Weeping out, forcing these unsaid words into the gut,
Breaking all 206 fragments of me,
Refusing to raise the white garment that declares,
It’s not yet over,
I will soar higher.
Somewhere out of reach,
Where the eye can never meet,
But first, I’ll be sober,
From all the despair,
Take a sip of honesty, that’s all I need.
I believe that my soul is
Part of a whole

Connected to all that you see

You're not just you
And I'm not just me

We're as one, and always will be

When born into heaven
All is made clear

We are one with the earth
With the trees, with the deer

We are one with the clouds
And the rain, and the sea

We are one with each other
I'm with you, you're with me
I never really knew my grandparents and always thought it would be such a gift if I could read anything they wrote! It is why I write!
Oh motherland, at your feet
may all moments of my life lie sacrificed
This strength of my youth, these breaths,
All are surrendered to you

To protect your honour
I would forego hundred lifetimes
I would either embrace death or
vanquish your enemies
Touching your feet in reverence
I take this solemn oath
until the end of my life
I would be loyal to you
Those who have died in your lap
their spirits bask in eternal happiness
Oh motherland, at your feet
may all moments of my life lie sacrificed

My mother tells me
I will go on without you
bearing the pain of your passing
by turning my heart into stone
However, if in your lifetime
there is a threat to this country
and being fearless you do not
fight this threat, my son,
then, I will think, I birthed
poison instead of life
or that my nourishment
did not give enough strength
Listening to these words
my head lies forever bowed
Oh motherland, at your feet
may all moments of my life lie sacrificed

It is not only said by my mother
but all mothers of this country
to give birth to a Narsimh
they bear difficult pangs of labour
Those brave warriors who wrote
history with their life blood
carry their images in your heart
and placing your hand there, promise,
you will forsake everything else
at the call of your motherland
Your body, soul and life
surrendered to your country
Oh motherland, at your feet
may all moments of my life lie sacrificed

Narsimh - an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu,often visualised as having a human torso and lower body, with a lion face and claws. He is known primarily as the 'Great Protector' who specifically defends and protects his devotees in times of need.

Translation is given by karishma ji
I feel so helpless
I feel so depressed
I just tried everything
All I can do is watch for the rest

I've tried to talk to you
I've tried everything I can
I've tried all that's possible
I even went against who I really am

What am I supposed to do?
What am I supposed to say?
What am I supposed to try next?
Stay there and let you push me away?
Everything feels, but doesn't feel at the same time.
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