Life, with its rules, its obligations, and its freedoms, is like a sonnet: You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself. …
F/east coast australia
(*please note all of the work i post here is the intellectual property of betterdays and affilliated names and is covered by copywright law.)
27/F/body in U.S. heart in U.K
An old soul dwelling on the edge of the present and the past. Creative melancholic, idealist, romantic. Please give credit where it is due.
Faerieland and in my head
—-██—— Put this on —-██—— your profile ██████—if you’re not -—██—— embarrassed —-██—— to tell others —-██—— that you —-██—— believe in God
On Oblivions Doorstep
I am that which was once many stars but faded reborn under a different name Darkness is my tether enjoy my many shades.. Once the …
aka “Ormond” is an Irish Poet, widely published in numerous magazines anthologies and journals. An INFP, he’s also a guitarist, singer and songwriter. All poems …