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cass Oct 2016
Like Icarus
I flew to close to the sun
my wings of wax melted
and great was the sorrow.
My sun
we lit the match from both ends
and watched as my wings and fingers burned.
You were beautiful my sun, my wonderful wonderful love
but we were not meant
not meant to love
and so my sun
my lovely sin
I must say goodbye
This poem means so so much more.  I understand now.  I understand.
cass Aug 2016
like constellations, we are connected
connected by wishes and assurance
that if we follow each other  
we will reach heaven
  Aug 2016 cass
The Dedpoet
         Reading you,
Reading me:
Symphonic emotional intelligence,
Words like a violinist.
    I carry them with me
Inside my mind applying reality,
       The unreality passsing out of me.
The poems speak like see through natures,
The clarity of my discombobulation.
      You all become real.

   Archives of the souls
    Instantaneous connection
        Closer than
Your words resonance with every
Fiber of my being.
    Your words
Invent more words,
    Your emotions tie
The world's shoestrings,
    The experience shared
Is a reality of musical theatre
    And it kills the silence,
The silence of the mind.
     Your words are movement,
Be it from a past,
     The metaphysical dance,
A kiss of gentle air,
    The idea is a life living
Recovering from the enigmatic plague
Of ignorance.
    Though I see the bird sing
My heart stops when it I hear it
Through your words;
Reading is not reading,
    It is saying what your silence says,
Art becoming life in an echo of YOU.
       The words that I understand:
Yes, the pain is also a gesture of reality,
     It lets us know it was real,
Your tears,
      Your secrets,
           The murmured past,
And as I read it becomes as the
Sun on morning dew.
    You become apart of me,
I become part of you,
      Not words
But music in the silence.
And the moment will come
When you hear it too:

The poetry:
Crystalline humanity.
I carry your words with me,
They resonate with my very soul.
Thankyou all for sharing.
cass Aug 2016
In happiness I am content
I am happily content with you
cass Aug 2016
In the sun
I grin
beams of light soak my pale skin
leaving me warm to the touch
in the sun
I grin
  Jul 2016 cass
and when i hear your voice
it's colored in the most beautiful shade of pink
with a shimmer of a dark forest green
containing a few silver sparkles

and when i look at you
i see a wonderful shape of dark red dust
mixed with dark blue and purple fragments
and it's the kind of dust
that makes everybody looking at you

and when i think of you
all these small parts become one
and it's a beautiful sky of stars
made of colors

and i realise that i really like the colors
just as i really like you
  Jul 2016 cass
Caitlin Cacciatore
I look at her,
All graceless, shameless beauty,
And I am again
Amazed that us two should
Have come together in the way we did,
Astounded that we swim in the same waters,
Awed that I get to walk in her world,
I, who started from the bottom up;
She, who started at the top, and,
Like Lucifer cast from Heaven,

Paradise Lost and Losing My Religion
Are sacred to her,
As am I,
But I don’t tell her
About the scars I count like stars
And call by name,
Nor do I mention the blood on her hands,
Mostly her own, mingled with that
Of us unlucky few.

She dances in the sun,
And I wish I could join her,
But fear stills my tongue
And I am silent still;
Silent, and silently suffering,
Tending to her wounds
But never to mine,
And wondering, as always,
When she will flit, fairy-like,
Into the arms
Of someone better than I.
You can find more of my poetry at
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