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Her eyes were two deep pools
And she was enticing you to drown in them
The water just looked too pretty to resist
So you jumped, but you forgot how to swim
And when you’re pulled under it’s too late
Those dilating pupils are a bottomless pit
And you’re a wilting rose in their darkness
You’ve been watered down into nothing

Eyes blue like the core of a flame
And true enough, you were drawn to them
A firefly burned gruesomely by the light
You couldn’t stay away; still and silent
Held mesmerised like many before you
Your throat parched for one sip
Regardless if water is polluted with apathy
Shameless; you’re drunkenly in love with it.

Hush now, don’t take a drink
Your lips may be cracked and bruised
But she is your poison and a slow one at best
A little boy like you should know better
Than to play with dancing, unruly fire
It burns, it burns, it burns
And the marks remain on your skin
A warning sign: “I was here first”
© copyright
 Oct 2014 carley herrington
Break your back over
my heart three times &
claim it's body poetry.

Knock on wood & pray
Zeus didn't hear you.

You say you know no better,
but I've seen the malice in your eyes the
moment before our lips touch & I am
afraid; I love it.

Trust you trust you trust you..
Why would you beg I trust you?

You knew from the second you
saw me that you would end up
covering me in kisses the way
lava covered Pompeii
& giddily watch as I suffer when
you leave me to dry.

You are so heartachingly beautiful,
&, as the daughter of Apollo, I am
obligated to let the son of Aphrodite know;
my father was the brightest star
until nineteen years ago.
Sorry, Daddy,
I know you told me never to love a man anything like you.
Within a room somewhere
Sits Pandora
Holding the box that
She opened long ago
When her heart was curious and naive

Now her heart is heavy
And tears fill her eyes
Hope is weak
Hope is shriveling
If only she hadn’t
Set loose the monsters

She wishes people
Saw hope
The way she does
Leaking out slowly
Filling the air
Pulsating, Shaking

Maybe if they understood
They would hold on
Just a little longer
For their monsters
To die

Because in the end
The hero always wins
You just need to be there
To See it
kissing you was like swerving into oncoming traffic

i can never tell if i am more haunted by empty picture frames or the ashes of their contents

you taught me that the saying "pick your battles" meant not answering when love was at the door

sometimes when i drink whiskey i swear i can hear your voice in the creases of my bedsheets & i sleep on the floor

i still catch myself running my hands over things you touched the most, looking for the echoes of your fingertips

i practice things i'll never say to you

i remember the day you told me you didn't like poetry, how "everything's already been said" & how "nothing meaningful can be captured without being cliche" you know, i don't miss you like the sun and moon, i do not miss you like tide bent waves crashing on the shoreline, i miss you like a chernobyl  swingset misses children

rumor has it that drowning is a lot like coming home, that drinking bleach can **** the butterflies in your stomach

for your love of cigarettes, i would have been an ashtray

this halloween i want to dress up as the you when you loved yourself and show up on your doorstep

i never understood what you meant when you said i was an instrument, back when you would cup your hands around my chest and breathe through the holes in my heart, i still wonder if the sounds i made remind you of wind chimes

i never paid much attention to abandoned buildings until i became one

in my dreams all the flowers smell like your perfume

i am the only person who has ever wished for the same snowflake to fall twice

if i could go back, and rewrite the definition of audacity, it would be how when we lost the bet of love, you said "we never shook on it"

i love you, if the feeling is not mutual, please pretend this was a poem

the only apology i want from you, is to have you repeat the names of children we will never have in your parents living room until they *****

we are the same person if you find yourself up at 4am dry heaving promises, or if you are kept awake by the laughter of those who've abandoned you

nobody ever told you that goodbyes taste like the back of stamps

sometimes i'm convinced that the only reason we hug, is so you can check my back for exit wounds

— The End —