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The lonely lion with monkey ears
He always wanted to be strong
He watched the others jump and play
While he sat back and sang a song

The giraffes and the elephants would pass and nod
But oh, how they wondered about him
Why was he so quiet and unlike the rest?
Why are his ears not like his kin?

The lonely lion watched his brothers fight
He watched his sisters bring in food
But he saw the plane in a different light
And for that he was misunderstood

He thought he might be kind to all
Maybe find a man friend or two
He knew the others wouldn't understand
But then again, he was already different in their view.
Pieces of my soul
Pieced together in memory
Starlight in a Black Hole
Of what never again shall be

A floating fading glow
Darkened room image clear
Now seeing IS believing
Desperate attempt at keeping
The fleeting spectre in view
A faded dream of a
Once upon a dream come true

         --Daniel Irwin Tucker
A visual image on the retina that persists after the stimulus that caused it is no longer operative.
 Mar 2017 C F Tinney
Ola Radka
If you died today,
would die with you?
 Feb 2017 C F Tinney
Ola Radka
The day is slowly fading.
The night is almost here.
I'm looking for
Your presence.
But you are
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