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Wayward curls shine in silver
New strands each day I see 
Nothing will ever stop these waves
From greying furiously  

Why then be lost in troubled thoughts 
And hurry those tides of white 
Breathe in and breathe out instead
Let little things delight 
Sing of the joys of nascent spring
Dance to a happy summer song 
Paint trees in burnished gold 
Spin tales of leprechauns

Embrace brazen winds that breeze
The earth that holds well-walked feet 
The canopy of light and dusky night 
Where the sun and the moon come to meet 

No tarot reading
No fortune teller 
No crystal ball I see 
Why riddle the eyes with endless thoughts....
What shall be, shall be
Written a gazillion days back
E - Effervescent whispers echo in the wind
T - Tranquil moonlight casts a serene spell
H - Hibiscus toss moonbeams
E - Emerald leaves shimmy
R - Radiant stars gleam in the night sky
E - Enchantment reigns
A - All seems right with the world
L - Love is a possibility
Mrs.Timetable challenge
We climb the Koro hill.

Forty years and still ascending
gives a good feel.

We stand under a Madhuca tree
blossoming in March heat and rain.

From the hilltop
the valley down below
looks dreamy grey.

We've greyed and graded
past full bloom.

In the wafting fragrance of Madhuca
we pray to hold on
for some more.
Koro hill, March 22, 2025, 2.30 pm
My love and gratitude for my fellow poets and friends for being with me this long 12 years on Hello Poetry.
The grey gives way to fuchsia pink  
And light falls softly upon the trees
It’s then, he's seen - the morning sun —
With his fingers of gold and earthy honey
That wake the sleepy land and sea
And warm the gentle birds and bees
Brighten the fragrant rain kissed rose
That rests on brows that still repose
And speaks to the stars hidden above
Of warm nights and a summer of love
Written some time back but not posted

An Indian Summer is typically a warm autumn in the northern hemisphere as traveller says, but in India, a summer is an Indian summer:)
In between the greying
and the silvering
work and life
the sombre brooding of time
and the lull after the storms
poetry crept upon me
word by word
phrase by phrase
in a metaphor
letters from the heart
filling voids of loneliness
with welcome solitude
A repost
Wind gnaws at the cliffs,
breaking stone to grains of dust,
mountains lose their shape.

Dust is swept downstream,
drifting past the river’s edge,
soft hands carve through stone.

River splits the earth,
pulling roots from loosened ground,
trees bow, then descend.

Leaves drown in the waves,
fading under briny hush,
light slips into blue.

Foam dissolves to mist,
rising toward the silent peaks,
snow begins to bloom.

Cold weighs on the rock,
frost unthreads the mountain’s bones,
wind gnaws at the cliffs.

Even mountains yield—but not in defeat. Change is not erasure; it is becoming.
Blue skies call on me
Clouds float with a toss of their fluff
Ripples ripple in the lake
Birds pirouette to their own songs
The butterflies tango with the roses
The hibiscus sway
A million leaves sashay
The wind taps at my window
Seems to take my hand —
"Shall we…
Shall we dance?"
Somewhere tucked on a bookshelf is a book.
Dogeared, yellow pages with a hand written note.

In a box, lie trinkets — gifts, a pendant of Annie, a book mark.
Hand made cards, smudged with time.

An old doll almost intact,
Broken spectacles, pictures, a watch and postcards.

Some may call it clutter, junk —
And it’ll all go when I go.

But to me, they are the reason behind my smile, an odd tear.

More precious than collectibles or art —
They are pieces of my life,
My world and heart.
not every poem
needs to bloom
with romance
to make a heart grow
full and wise;
There is poetry
found in survival,
in unhappy endings
and goodbyes.
Not every poem
must woo the reader,
or make their yearning soar,
some poems taste
like bitter coffee grounds
and nothing much like love.

©️Lizzie Bevis
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