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B Sonia K Dec 2018
That familia voice said to me
Listen to me
Restrain yourself
Your heart is in the right
But examine yourself
Your actions can’t be right
Stay away for some time
Try to be by yourself
Extricate yourself
From emotional dependence
Your life hanging on to impossibilities
The morality line can’t be crossed
Leave your hearts untouched.

I didn’t listen,
And it started
A chain of events
Dominoes falling
Crumbling faster than the speed of light
And now our hearts are breaking
More than was expected
Tears stains covered by a mask of laughter
Stronger than a mouth could utter
I didn’t listen.

I wish I could turn back the hands of time
And ignore the emotional magnet
For we’re now doom’s target
Emotions not worth a dime.
Next time I’ll listen.
B Sonia K Dec 2018
I felt it
The cold and warm breeze on my skin
As he spoke
Words that made my heartbeat quicken
The resonating vibrations of his voice
It flowed through me
Cascading down
Melting my icicle heart
And along with it, my fears,
And all my walls of insecurities
Are broken down
A cataclysmic shift
My mind now adrift
Consciously, yet cautiously searching
Looking to merge with his
Melted ice
Broken walls
All give way.
His words
They vibrates through me,
Opening me up from within
Yes, I felt it.
  Dec 2018 B Sonia K
Kolade oyindamola
My heart is constantly being plagued
Or maybe punished by all that my heart desires...
This want
This need
This desire
They are unending
They never depart
They go around with me wherever I go
I sleep and wake up  with them
It’s like this weight I’m cursed to bear
This world is filled with wants
Unending wants
You have to find happiness in the little things
So as to avoid being defeated by the monster
It’s always lurking around.
  Dec 2018 B Sonia K
Emma Rose
I always thought I was a hard lover
I was hard to love.
But along came you
You loved me so hard
It put my own ways to shame
I believe there is nothing more in this silly life
Than finding someone who makes it easy to love
And to help you love yourself
Because I now no longer love hard
Nor am I hard to love
Everything is simple with you
Piece by piece
We’ve come together like pieces of a puzzle
A simple puzzle

~Emma Rose
  Dec 2018 B Sonia K
Kolade oyindamola
I know a lot of words
I’ve read a lot of books
But words...
I don’t know how to put out
I want someone so in sync with me
Someone that hears the phrase, the clause, the sentence, the paragraph, the page, the chapter, the book behind every single word I say...
someone that listens

I do a lot of things
I write a lot of things
But words...
How do I say out loud
My thoughts,
The expressions of my heart,
When I fear the words I will not receive
I just want someone who at my words, heart quickens.

I jump a lot of hoops
Over and over
Like we're in a time loop
But words...
I try to express over and over
Till I just might expire.
But for one whom my heart desires
I'll do it over and over
And I'm not mad
Or caught in a lustful heart's trap
It's just my quest for reciprocation
Of my very heart full emotions
I just want someone who loves me
Like my kind of love.
Written In collaboration with B Sonia k
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