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3.3k · Jun 2014
Time Heals All Wounds
nessa Jun 2014
Time heals all wounds.
The pain that you feel now will disappear
and be carried away by the ticks of a clock.
That also means the mysterious force of the world
that is time
will rob you of happiness
and replace it with misery once again.
It's a vicious cycle,
and you don't get to pick what side you're on.
545 · Jun 2014
grieving process
nessa Jun 2014
My friends Dad died.
I played the whole thing off
like I couldn't care less
but I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry that nothing I say or do
will help you.
I'm sorry that bad things happen to good people.
I'm sorry that you got brought into my break down,
but mostly im sorry
that I can't deal with sadness or death
and I left you alone
in the black hole that is grief
and let you drown.
449 · Jun 2014
Off Limits
nessa Jun 2014
I want you in the most innocent of ways.
When I sit behind you my hand aches to touch your neck.
When my clumsy nature gets the best of me,
I want you to catch me.
When I imagine a house,
a family,
a future,
you are there haunting every vision.
**But I'll never have the chance to plague your heart
with the disease that is my love
because someone else
has already poisoned it.
definitely not my best work, but i needed it off my chest...

— The End —