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Your name is like a memory,
But one I greatly wish forgotten.
Your presence does not better me
Instead leaves me alone and rotten.
Your song traps like a siren
Alluring all who hear its call.
As a slave, I hope you're hiring,
At your feet I'll always fall.

False hopes and dreams only remain,
Where the shell of a man once stood.
Your taste could drive any insane,
Convert a man from the greater good.
You don't know the crime that you commit,
Everytime you simply cast a smile.
It's a ****** of pride you'll never admit,
You just laugh and give your denial.

Your absence leaves me at a loss,
With nothing in it's place to fill.
I'll drink to forget just like a boss,
And hope none of my feelings spill.
But the liquor just doesn't fill the gap
Instead it leaves me hollow and alone.
Bringing out feelings from the gap,
The ones you put in the 'friend zone'.

They say you need to love yourself,
In order to find it from another.
But self-esteem is a false sign of wealth,
When they all treat you like a brother.
I'm just so ******* tired of wearing a face,
Biting my tongue as you give up your heart.
A man who can't handle such beauty or grace,
I guess that's why I've been cast in this part.
We keep running, running, running away.
Avoiding reality despite what they say.
It may get better, but we just can't wait.
Feet to the ground, decide our own fate.

The glamour and glitz, we'll take a pass.
The faux appearance of high upper class.
We've got what we want, no more than we need.
Avoiding the allure of consumption by greed.

Late nights of adventure, writing our story.
Hoping that the results lead us to glory.
A car full of people, good music and hope.
Doing what we can to help ourselves cope.

We've all got our problems, but not on this night.
In this brief moment, there's no need to fight.
For we've got each other, a means to an end.
Our souls remain whole, through the bonds of a friend.
The look in your eyes doesn't look like you anymore
The dark circles under your eyes, the smell of smoke upon your clothes
And you haven't said a word in hours, because you don't speak, you close
Every inquiry off with misdirection and no's
We know you aren't okay, dear, you can't hide it from anyone
Especially when you can't keep the secrets from yourself
How can you expect to get your pain past everyone else?
When the world turns to ****, you try to disappear
Your look changes, you give up on everything you hold dear
You run to those you hate, because you feel you won't get through
But you know when you leave, I'll look for where you flew
Because even when you can't love you, well, I still adore you
And when your look isn't the same, that's okay
Because I'll help you find yourself again anyway
And for all the time your silent, I still hear the chiming of your laugh
I still see you there smiling, our love transparent like glass
I know you can't understand it right now, and that's fine
Because you'll come to understand our love in time
One day you'll be ready, and you'll finally take my hand
And we can float up into space as planned
If nowhere was a place
I'd go there with you.

And if somewhere calls my name
I'll tie a string from my pinky
to your's.

And if I tug on it, it means
I love you.

And I crave you so bad
that I want you under my skin.

And your names looks quite nice
right above my heart.

And when the distance between us
is almost to much to bear;

Remember that you and I are never truly apart.
Once my favorite teacher told me
"This is high school, you will go through boys like you go through tissue paper"
But my love, you are not tissue paper.

Your heart beats like no other
and the blood in your veins is red as roses
and your mind has thoughts as intricate and colorful as the galaxies

And most of all you make me feel loved and important.

No tissue paper could ever do that.
He loved her and she loved him
His kisses ****** out her whole past and future or tried to
He had no other appetite
She bit him she gnawed him she ******
She wanted him complete inside her
Safe and Sure forever and ever
Their little cries fluttered  into the curtains

Her eyes wanted nothing to get away
Her looks nailed down his hands his wrists his elbows
He gripped her hard so that life
Should not drag her from that moment
He wanted all future to cease
He wanted to topple with his arms round her
Or everlasting or whatever there was
Her embrace was an immense press
To print him into her bones
His smiles were the garrets of a fairy place
Where the real world would never come
Her smiles were spider bites
So he would lie still till she felt hungry
His word were occupying armies
Her laughs were an assasin's attempts
His looks were bullets daggers of revenge
Her glances were ghosts in the corner with horrible secrets
His whispers were whips and jackboots
Her kisses were lawyers steadily writing
His caresses were the last hooks of a castaway
Her love-tricks were the grinding of locks
And their deep cries crawled over the floors
Like an animal dragging a great trap
His promises were the surgeon's gag
Her promises took the top off his skull
She would get a brooch made of it
His vows  pulled out all her sinews
He showed her how to make a love-knot
At the back of her secret drawer
Their screams stuck in the wall
Their heads fell apart into sleep like the two halves
Of a lopped melon, but love is hard to stop

In their entwined  sleep they exchanged arms and legs
In their dreams their brains took each other hostage

In the morning they wore each other's face
Blue eyes, blonde hair, red lips, intense stare,
self doubt, dark soul, your eyes bore a hole,
hard kiss, quick ****, over fast, no luck,

leaving now, going home, so cold, so alone,
shiver shake earthquake, so unreal, so fake,
tears trickle down my face, so slow, quicken pace,
still there on the brink, another drug, another drink,
block you out, so numb, want to hide, want to run,

Far away, leave it all, the more i think, the more i fall,
Shut my mind, shut you out, feeling sick, full of doubt,
Too hard, you’re always there, look at you, try not to stare,
Fake smile, cold hello, nervous laugh, hard swallow,
little hope drains away, another moment, another day,

Time goes on, hope it heals, because I hate how it feels,
But for now, I crave your touch, I want you now, miss you so much.
 Jul 2013 Brittany Jackson
Emma S
I'm lost
They say  
Home is where your heart is

I can feel my heart beating
Boom boom boom
But does it really exist

If I have a heart
Why don't I have a home
Why don't I ever feel like this is where I want to stay

I have a place to live
But since my heart isn't here
Then it isn't my home

I'm lost
I'll be back

I just need to find my heart first
Not all words can be defined into simple terms.
You can’t explain love
in a sentence, or a paragraph, or a book.
Peace is not understandable from person to person
behind a page of meaningless text.
Happiness and sadness are not antonyms,
but meld and morph into one another
without you even noticing.
I would never be able to show you the way I feel
when I look at him,
this incomprehensible mix of compassion, enchantment, and pure freedom.
Try to put into terms the ball of jealous rage you feel
in your stomach when you see them with someone else.
Elation doesn’t come in doses.
Inspiration isn’t packaged and shipped to your door.
Nostalgia can’t be sold,
and trust can’t be bought.
Emotions aren’t that easy.
They aren’t black and white
and you can never have just one at a time.
They don’t come when you call or leave you when you beg them.
And just like you can’t explain colour to a blind man,
you can’t explain love to someone who’s never truly felt it before.
I went into the wild
to look for dirt
something to cover the scars
and cuts.
I was never looking for you
but on my search for worthless
I found a gem so pure
so clean
And I think there was something
awful special about you
because the scars
and cuts
that I once tried to cover
were now fading
and I don't know how a gem,
like you, did it
but I think you saved me
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