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You told me you loved her.
Her black eyes and chestnut hair,
The way she said your name,
or whispered it in your ear.
How when she held you,
all you could think about was breathing her in and out.
I asked you why you loved her and you answered without hesitation.
She’s perfect, you spoke.
It’s like god took the whole universe and wrapped it up into one girl.
Her eyes are like the night sky,
completely dark but with a sparkle all the same,
Her skin, the sands of Egypt.
Her mind is every great novel ever written
and when she opens her mouth flowers pour out.
She speaks in every language ever heard, at the same time.
A mane like a waterfall, gracefully cascading down her back,
and lips that reminded you of the Grand Canyon.
Every great being that ever was can’t amount to her.
She’s the single most spectacular creature,
like a universe all in its own.
I guess that settled it.
If she was your world, your love, and your everything,
I had never so much as crossed your mind.
But I knew you were telling the truth,
Because that’s how I feel about you.
And now my world’s imploding.
I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,
your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm,
yes, many loved before us, I know that we are not new,
in city and in forest they smiled like me and you,
but now it's come to distances and both of us must try,
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
I'm not looking for another as I wander in my time,
walk me to the corner, our steps will always rhyme
you know my love goes with you as your love stays with me,
it's just the way it changes, like the shoreline and the sea,

but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,
your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm,
yes many loved before us, I know that we are not new,
in city and in forest they smiled like me and you,
but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
Sometimes nothing bad has to happen
you just know something will.
Your bones shake
and you might faint
And your mind is scolding you
because you know this sensation all too well
It's another way for your heart to die
Cupid shoots his arrow
in through one side, out the other
and you just might have to
end it all.
But your head can lie
to your bones and heart
and you can commit your last crime
Like an addict trying to quit ******
this is the time
I don't think he understood
when I told him "no"
And when I tried to squeeze
out of his grasp
he didn't realize
And when his hands ripped my clothes
he  promised to buy new ones
And when the silent tears fell
he must have been
too caught up in the moment
And the purple and blue flowers
that graced my skin
when he was done
faded eventually
He must've loved me a lot
to feel that strongly
for someone he barely knew
I don’t think it takes much to fall in love

Sweet whispers of cute nothing’s

dance through your head

because some fool

spoke a new language to you

and every word 
was magic 

and with every word 
you fell

and your heart 
began to love his voice

And the simple smile

that shines in his eyes 

like the stars at night 

and only a few see it

because most are asleep 
when the stars are awake
 and soon the stars twinkle at you

and you fall

The way his hand 
made you feel  
like the dust
 dancing in the sunlight 

light as air
full of simple beauty 

and with his touch
 you fell

And by now it’s too late

because you fell for his



 and touch


but for you darling 
I hope it doesn’t happen often

because to have it once forever

is much better 
than millions of times 

if you fall too much

you’ll eventually break
She couldn't read
Her tales were the greatest
She couldn't write
Her words were written in our hearts
She didn't go to school
Her teachings made us human
She never traveled
Her journey of life motivated us
She didn't know Martha Stewart
She kept the house in superb condition
She never watched Rachel Ray
Her cooking was FIVE STAR
She didn't need a degree
She sent us to university
She stayed at home
She told us to venture and have careers...
She didn't need alarm clock
She was our wake up call
Go to school time, brushing teeth time, prayer time, reading Quran time, breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner, bed time, all the time....
Mom never failed to be with us....
Even today still ...
she is always in the best place in our hearts...

A prayer to my mom Hajjah Hasiah binti Majid... Rest in peace...
 May 2013 Brittany Jackson
It’ll sneak up on you when you least expect
Coil around you like a snake
Anxiety it will inject
There is no escape
We search for better means to end out pain,
But it's these drugs that keep us sane.
Numb to it all, we simply exist.
That escape from it all we just can't resist.
Scared of the world, we cower in fear.
Hoping that the end is truly near.
The truth of it all, we know to be just.
The feeling of emptiness, ready to bust.
But we bottle them up, mask them with lies.
To hope they can't see through our dark eyes.
 May 2013 Brittany Jackson
I leaned my bike up against the gate and
Leaning against the window was the girl
thee girl
The girl with her usual
Frappe in hand
And book in the other.
Her flowing red hair
And glasses
With bright pearls brimming and
Shining against her pink lips.
Her face
Fair and clean
Rosy cheeks and
A smile.
Her clothes
Grey beanie
Flowy top
Jeans and
Combat boots.
Rings and
Jewelry galore
Even some tattoos.
shes perfect
I think to myself as I
Picked my bike back up and
Started riding away.
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