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 Oct 2014 Britany
Monique Isom
Can you see me bleeding?
Can you see me pleading?
Lying on the floor,
begging you for no more.
Can you see me bruising?
This battle I am loosing,
it's not supposed to end this way,
yet all i have to say is....
*i'm fine
 Oct 2014 Britany
Old Friend
 Oct 2014 Britany
I am not amused
Or even remotely enthused.
It's truly sad to see how much
our friendship you've abused.
 Oct 2014 Britany
Haydn Swan
 Oct 2014 Britany
Haydn Swan
Smiling politely in the local store,
another happy shopper that most would ignore,
but what torrid secrets lay under her grin
the tainted stigma of that hidden sin,

she wraps up her fears with the things that she’s bought,
packed into bags without a thought,
the knots in her stomach drive her insane,
for she knows that tonight there’ll  be anguish and pain,

She drinks her coffee and stares at the clock,
It’s ticking hands seem to laugh and mock,
her doleful eyes are starting to mist,
as she thinks of the bruises made by his fist,

Violently  thrown onto a bed,
pinned down and stifled as if she was dead,
pretends not to feel the hatred and pain,
as her virtue is stolen again and again,

She’s sick of the broken promises and lies,
prays to a God who never replies ,
Its all tucked away where no one can see,
longing for the day that her soul will be free.
I wrote this for my Niece who was a victim of domestic violence and abuse from her husband, she suffered in silence for over 4 years.  It also speaks out for anyone who is going through this right now or has also been a victim.  I hope you will read this and realize that you don't need to suffer alone and that there is a way out, my niece is now on the road to recovery and has a new loving, caring partner.
 Oct 2014 Britany
emily wood
 Oct 2014 Britany
emily wood
when he says he’s starting not to care, do not press your lips on the curve of his spine when you cannot fall asleep. do not wear the bra that hugs your chest the tighest and do not wear his favorite shade of lipstick. when he tells you that you care too much, do not hesitate to create a barrier. i have a feeling you have nowhere to be but you’re heading out of his door with no intention of looking back. when he says that he is not capable of loving you, believe him. you are the headlines on the front page of the paper, bold and noticed. you are the wind dancing, creating goosebumps on the skin of many. you are a woman who cannot risk her heart being held in the wrong hands. when he looks at his own hands, he will remember yours. you will be the ache in his voice as he tries singing songs for the next few months. you will be the empty seat next to him while he decides he wants to start drinking again. you will be his first shot of alcohol and his last game of beer pong. you will be loved. you will be. you will.
 Oct 2014 Britany
Babu kandula
As all we know
Light as a source

Absence of that source

If we are in darkness
that means

We know what is

But, not known
where is the switch

Trigger of life is
somewhere hidden

It is our duty to

I am still a seeker
my search will be continued
 Oct 2014 Britany
i am a walking cliche
teenage girl
rarely smiles
long sleeves to cover my wrists
i have a secret
-roll of eyes-
don't we all...
i wear toms in the spring and
chuck taylors in the fall
my shoes match my moods
when the sun shines brightly and i'm wearing dresses for days
i'm weightless
and then the sun sets and the trees rattle fiercely in the wind and my shoes,
they bind my feet to the ground
i crawl into my hole and start piling on sweaters and blankets it's dark
i'm alone
the sun won't rise for another 6 months
until then i'll shuffle around until i can find the nearest exit
i'm a walking cliche
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